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[英文摘要] :
There is increasing interest around the world in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) (CoE, 2001). Many language teachers living and working within Europe, particularly those who are old enough to remember the impact of World War II, are likely to be familiar with the organization out of which the CEFR emerged (The Council of Europe) and to appreciate the reasons why that organization was set up and why it was felt necessary to develop such a framework. However, language teachers who are living and working outside of Europe may be less familiar with the background to the CEFR and, therefore, less likely to be in a position to appreciate the interaction between its political goals and its possible practical applications. In that the latter rely to a considerable extent for their likely effectiveness on the former, it is important that those involved in language education should have some understanding of the political, historical and social context out of which the CEFR developed and of the various stages in its to development. The aim of this article is to provide readers with information that will help them to locate the CEFR politically, socially and historically and, therefore, to be in a better position to make a realistic assessment of its potential relevance to the contexts in which they are operating.
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