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論文名稱 企業建置綠色會計之研究
研討會開始日期 2016-05-28
研討會結束日期 2016-05-29
所有作者 曹淑琳
作者順序 第一作者
研討會名稱 11th International Conference on Green Energy Technology and Management with Central Taiwan Industry Forum
研討會舉行之國家 NATTWN-中華民國
研討會舉行之城市 彰化
發表年份 2016
附件 企業建置綠色會計制度之研究 (1) (1) (1) (2).docx企業建置綠色會計制度之研究 (1) (1) (1) (2).docx

[摘要] :

[英文摘要] :
Global innovation and production capacity is rising, but at the expense of the environment, such as: global warming, zonosphere depletion, tropical rainforests disappear, reduce biodiversity, excessive consumption of resources. What is more, have affected directly or indirectly to the survival of mankind, so that environmental awareness attention. Well-known benchmark companies have to realize that the only sustainable earth , the enterprise must bear environmental obligations and environmental protection, which was included in operating costs, and through the establishment of "green accounting system" is fully revealed relevant environmental information. In this paper, finishing with green accounting system related to the induction of the current status of development at home and abroad, and then to Taiwan enterprises in the import of green accounting system issues raised build future reference and further hoped that through the compilation of relevant documents, can be summed up in business the feasibility of the implementation of green accounting system.
Keywords: global warming、green accounting、Environmental Protection、Environmental Information

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