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論文名稱 從消費行為分析三倍券政策
研討會開始日期 2021-06-05
研討會結束日期 2021-06-06
所有作者 曹淑琳
作者順序 第一作者
研討會名稱 2021第十六屆國際綠色能源科技暨管理研討會
研討會舉行之國家 NATTWN-中華民國
研討會舉行之城市 彰化
發表年份 2021
附件 2021green conference paper.docx2021green conference paper.docx

[摘要] :

[英文摘要] :
Due to the impact of Covid 19,the economy of countries were in recession in 2020. In order to stabilize the economy, all countries were issuing cash to stimulate consumption. The government had decided to propose a policy of "revitalizing triple coupons". This article wanted to explore how people to consume when they got the triple coupons. What kind of consumer behavior will there be? Did this consumer behavior contribute to GDP? This article used a questionnaire survey, with a total of 410 questionnaires and 300 valid samples. The empirical part used statistical software to conduct quantitative research. The results of the study found that in December 2020, 98% of the people have received triple coupons,up to 85% of the people's triple coupons are used up at once,nearly 70% of the people use triple vouchers for daily living expenses. This result was similar to the research conducted by the Academia Sinica on consumer vouchers in 2009. The ratio of consumption substitution expenditure is very high, and the net effect of increasing GDP is still limited. The empirical evidence also found that regardless of whether gender, age, education level and average monthly income are used as the grouping variables (name variable) and the question item of triple coupon consumption behavior as the test variable, the T test or the multivariate analysis of variance were both significant differences in the two question items of "This year's income is worse than last year's income" and "The amount of triple coupon issued is too small".

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