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論文名稱 公民營企業環保研發支出資本化或費用化與公司價值之比較分析
研討會開始日期 2020-06-06
研討會結束日期 2020-06-07
所有作者 曹淑琳,張菁華,謝仁和
作者順序 第一作者
研討會名稱 2020第十五屆國際綠色能源科技暨管理研討會
研討會舉行之國家 NATTWN-中華民國
研討會舉行之城市 彰化
發表年份 2020
附件 2020042501 綠色研討會 remove reference names (2).docx2020042501 綠色研討會 remove reference names (2).docx

[摘要] :

[英文摘要] :
The research and development activities are the driving force of enterprises, they are also the core competitiveness for the enterprises. The information of R&D is very important to investors to evaluate the value of the corporations. Since Industrial Revolution, the environment has been destroyed by human beings. Issues for environmental protection is getting more concerned .Many corporates expose the environmental-protected expenses to their stakeholders. This paper found many references regarding to the relationship between R&D expenses and corporate value; however, there are few references regarding to the relationship between environmental-protected expenses and corporate value. This paper analyzed the relevant statistical information of four companies(UMC, Delta, CSC, and TPC) from 207-2017. We also examined the impact of Environmental research and development expenditure, capitalized expenditure, and expensed expenditure of these four companies on their companies’ value. This paper found that:(1)the impact of environmental R&D expenditure and environmental R&D capitalized expenditure on the value of corporations are positive of CSC and the other 3 companies have the negative relationship.(2)In addition to Delta, the impact of environmental R&D expensed expenditure on the value of corporations are positive of UMC,CSC and TPC, (3)There are significant deferred effect between the environmental R&D expenditure and the corporate value among these four companies.

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