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[英文摘要] :
The main purpose of this study is to explore four different conditions of exposure in
two different communication forms: the book Class Action: The Story of Lois Jenson
and the Landmark Case That Changed Sexual Harassment Law and its film
adaptation, North Country. It is a true story of sexual harassment and violence. This
study is based upon data collected from qualitative in-depth interviews. Four groups of
college students were exposed to different procedures and interviewed to probe the
different effects of mode of communication as well as analyze the gender differences
regarding their interpretations and ideas of sexual harassment. The findings of the
study have shown that the book does not have the same impact as the film. The
interviewees’ perception of sexual harassment and sexual assault was mainly
conservative, inhibited, and distanced before being exposed to the story. After reading
the book and watching the film, most of participants realized the gravity of the issue
and learned about asserting their rights. There were no gender differences found
between the interpretations of the story, but they did differ in the intensity of reactions.