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[摘要] :
[英文摘要] :
The purpose of this research was to understand the directee’s psychological issues and spiritual images in making the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola. One Catholic spiritual director with psychologist training participated in this study. Qualitative research method was adopted and in-depth, semi-constructed interviews of significant events were constructed. The major findings were: (1) The content of psychological issues: Unfulfilled psychological needs of self-image; (2) The content of spiritual images: Mutual influence and transformation between God’s image and self-image. (3) Types of intervention techniques: Projection skills were used to externalize complex and needs; Facilitation of inner contemplation to enhance interaction among God, self and ego; Exploration of complex to attain individuation based on Jungian theory; Facilitation of experiencing God’s mercy and love to change belief system. Suggestions were offered for counseling psychologists and spiritual directors.
KEY WORDS: Significant event, Spiritual image, Spiritual direction, Psychological issue, The Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola,