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論文名稱 A Diversity of Perspectives on “Good” Language Teachers: Can College Teachers and Their Learner Groups Attain Harmony?
研討會開始日期 2012-05-19
研討會結束日期 2012-05-20
所有作者 Lilian Ya-Hui Chang
作者順序 第一作者
研討會名稱 第二十九屆中華民國英語文教學研究國際研討會
研討會舉行之國家 NATTWN-中華民國
研討會舉行之城市 台北
發表年份 2012
所屬計劃案 高高屏地區外語教學實務研究計畫

[摘要] :
語言敎師在課堂上有幾種角色:傳達知識的教育者、協助學生學習的促進者、啟發學生達成語言目標的學習動機等等。 當一位教師不太可能同時具有在文獻中建議的所有特質時,探究每個班級的學習者認為最重要之語言教師特質是很重要的。每個班級團體在語言學習上均有屬於他們自己的特殊方式及意見(Dörnyei & Murphey, 2003)。這些班級團體可能產生出對好的語言教師應具有的特質有不同看法或期望。也因此,要定義一位好的語言教師不應侷限於一整個文化群體內 (如: Cortazzi & Jin, 1996, 探討中國學生對一位好的語言教師之看法),而是以每個班級團體為一個單位,研究每個班級團體對於一位好的語言教師之特殊獨特之看法。

[英文摘要] :
Teachers assume several key roles in the language classroom: as educators, facilitators, motivators, to name a few. As one teacher is unlikely to possess the full range of characteristics suggested in the literature, it is important to explore what individual class groups believe are those characteristics most beneficial to their language learning. Each individual class group exerts their own ideas into the language learning mix (Dörnyei & Murphey, 2003). Defining good language teachers broadly within an entire cultural group (as Cortazzi & Jin, 1996, have done with Chinese students) rather than treating each individual class group uniquely misses the specifics of a particular class group’s identity.

This research explores a diversity of class groups’ perspectives on the characteristics of “good” language teachers and compares their perspectives with their class teacher’s. Two language teachers and their class groups from a language college in Taiwan participated in this study. The results from questionnaires and semi-structured interviews indicate some points of agreement and divergence: Two freshman class groups believe that maintaining a good teacher-learner relationship is the most important aspect of “good” language teachers; however, there is a marked difference in their expectations of their teacher’s target language ability. More interestingly, the teacher herself believes the ability to reflect and improve teaching methods more important than maintaining the teacher-learner relationship, yet another point of divergence.

This research has important implications for acknowledging diversity between class groups and for teachers to discuss “good” language teachers with their class groups for a harmonious classroom experience.