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計畫案/服務案名稱 大學英語教師對於推動學生自主學習之信念及實踐
執行起始日期 2015-08-01
執行結束日期 2016-07-31
專案案號 MOST 104-2410-H-160-016 -
專案類型 政府學術研究計畫-國科會專題研究計畫
計劃性質(選擇項為複選,請依照實際性質勾選) A1專題研究
工作類別 主持人
經費狀態 原核定
計畫總金額(元) 190500
主要經費來源 國科會
主要經費來源單位名稱 科技部專題研究計劃

[摘要] :
能夠更主導自己的英語學習,包括:了解自己想要學什麼東西,如何找出適合自己的學習方式,訂定學習目標,反思學習過程及成果等等 (Benson, 2006, 2011; Dickinson, 1987; Holec, 1981; Little, 1991; Littlewood, 1996; Ushioda, 2011) 。大部份英語自主學習研究者對於自主學習的定義已達到一定的共識,但是對於自主學習表現的方式以及學習者如何展現自主學習的能力還是有分歧的意見。其中,不少學者提出,老師們如何在課堂中幫助學生培養及展現自主學習之能力是很重要的。 大部份英語教師應該都不否認學生自主學習能力之重要性,但是,他們對於培養學生自主學習之重視度到哪裡?在課堂中,他們是否真正地幫助學生培養自主學習之能力?老師們的想法及實踐是否有落差?若是有,原因為何?這些都是此研究欲回答之問題。

此研究將採用混合式研究方法之設計。研究工具為問卷調查,以及訪談。研究對象為南部某大學約33位英語教師。問卷調查內容發現這些英語教師普遍認為學生之自主學習能力很重要,但是他們在課堂上鼓勵自主學習的方式不多,也很受限。從問卷及訪談內容發現,造成此落差的原因有: 學生之學習動機低落,學生學習態度低落,以及教師有趕課之壓力。此研究也會探討英語教師們如何更有效地在課堂上幫助學生培養自主學習之能力。

[英文摘要] :
The concept of learner autonomy has been receiving much attention in language learning over the last two decades. Core characteristics of learner autonomy include learners taking charge of their own learning, making their own decisions about what and how they want to learn, determining their goals, reflecting on their learning, identifying their resources, monitoring their own progress, and developing their own learning strategies that suit them best (Benson, 2006, 2011; Dickinson, 1987; Holec, 1981; Little, 1991; Littlewood, 1996; Ushioda, 2011). Probably the majority of language teachers do not deny the importance of learner autonomy in terms of learning is ultimately learners’ own responsibility. However, to what extent do they value this concept? What’s more, to what extent do they actually promote learner autonomy in their classrooms? Are they any gaps between their beliefs on the importance of learner autonomy and their actual practices?

This research study adopts a mixed method design combining a quantitative questionnaire data, qualitative open-ended answers and interview data to explore the above questions. A questionnaire with both closed and open-ended questions was distributed to 33 EFL teachers at a university in southern Taiwan. In addition, 5 follow up semi-structured interviews were conducted to clarify questionnaire answers. The data reveals that an agreement on the importance of learner autonomy in language learning is unanimous. Most teachers do not deny the importance of learner autonomy and believe it is an important ability for language learners to cultivate, however, the questionnaire data shows a statistically significant discrepancy between these teachers’ beliefs. The qualitative data also supports such discrepancy, which is the result of the following reasons: students’ low motivation, passive learning attitude, and teachers’ pressure from the teaching demand. Data from the questionnaire open-ended section and interview both suggest that while teachers do engage in some classroom behaviors to promote autonomy, they are rather limited many teachers seem to confuse the idea of promoting learner autonomy to having a more student-centered teaching approach. To conclude, classroom implications on how teachers can better promote learner autonomy in the classroom are offered