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計畫案/服務案名稱 一位好的語言教師:大學英語學習班級及其教師雙方認知之相同相異處
執行起始日期 2016-08-01
執行結束日期 2017-07-31
專案案號 105-2410-H-160 -014
專案類型 政府學術研究計畫-國科會專題研究計畫(自103年3月3日已停用-升格為部)
計劃性質(選擇項為複選,請依照實際性質勾選) A1專題研究
工作類別 主持人
計劃主持人 張雅惠
經費狀態 原核定
計畫總金額(元) 217000
政府出資金額(元) 217000
主要經費來源 科技部
主要經費來源單位名稱 科技部專題研究計劃

[摘要] :
語言敎師在課堂上有幾種角色:傳達知識的教育者、協助學生學習的促進者、啟發學生達成語言目標的學習動機等等。當一位教師不太可能同時具有在文獻中建議的所有特質時,探究語言學習者認為重要之語言教師特質是很重要的。除此之外,這些學生對於語言教師特質的看法是否和其語言教師相似? 亦或有分歧之處? 分歧之處在哪?這些分歧點是否對於語言學習產生影響?這些是這個研究專題主要探索之處。
9位語言教師和他們所教授之語言學習班級(共10個班級,287位學生)參與此研究。研究工具主要為問卷調查及半結構式訪談。研究者分析學生們之問卷調查結果並對照老師們的填答內容來發現雙方對於好的語言教師之看法有何相同或分歧的論點。研究結果同時找到了相同及分歧的特質。例如: 學生們及老師們均認為好的語言教師需要有足夠的語言能力。除此之外,學生在意好的語言教師的層面主要在於師生關係的建立上,如:老師是否公平的對待學生,或是老師是否尊重學生。然而,老師自己認為最重要的層面在於是否有專業的教學技巧及與時俱進的能力。這分歧點或許會造成課堂內的期待落差進而影響學習。研究報告對此現象提出了一些建議供語言教師們參考。

[英文摘要] :
Teachers assume several key roles in the language classroom: as educators transmitting knowledge, as facilitators assisting students with their learning, and as motivators inspiring students to achieve their language goals, to name a few. As any one teacher is unlikely to possess the full range of characteristics suggested in the literature, it seems important to explore what individual class groups of learners believe are the characteristics most beneficial to their language learning. In addition, how about these language learning group teachers’ perspectives? Do language learners and their teachers hold similar views? Are there any discrepancies in their viewpoints? If so, would these discrepancies affect learning effectiveness? These are some questions this research project aims to answer.
9 language teachers and their class groups (a total of 10 groups, 287 students) from a language university in southern Taiwan participated in this study. Questionnaire results from student questionnaire were collated with data from their language teachers to discover points of agreement and divergence. The result shows that both language learners and their teachers believe in the importance of good command of L2. However, language learners care more about their relationship with the teachers (e.g. whether they are treated fairly, with respect), whereas language teachers believe that their professional teaching knowledge and the ability to update and reflect most important. This gap in the viewpoints may cause unmet expectations which ultimately affect learning effectiveness. This research ends with some practical suggestions for language teachers in the classroom.