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論文名稱 從法理學看吳經熊對聖多瑪斯自然法的詮釋
研討會開始日期 2010-08-07
研討會結束日期 2010-08-08
所有作者 王志堅
作者順序 第一作者
研討會名稱 聖多瑪斯自然法學術研討會
研討會舉行之國家 NATTWN-中華民國
研討會舉行之城市 台北
發表年份 2010

[摘要] :

[英文摘要] :
Through the study of the legal development history of John Wu, this essay aims at discussing in the modern world the implications of the Natural Law advocated by St. Thomas Aquinas.
Natural Law and its related studies have been neglected by contemporary scholars who regarded that Natural Law is outdated. Through the study on John Wu's establishment of his legal system, this author argued that Natural Law has not been outdated as suggested.
John Wu received a wholistic legal education of Western tradition. However, he was not satisfied with his own legal analysis and interpretation. What makes him think that he is lacking in this respect? This is the focus of our investigation.
It is important to know that John Wu was sandwiched between the contradictory theories of Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes of USA, and the German legal scholar Rudolf Stammler. One of these two scholars persuaded justice and equality while the other one empasized on the legal order and the certainty and uniformity of legal order. John Wu transcended these opposite views and arrived at a tactfully fusion of ideas which alluded at St. Thomas Aquinas' Natural Law.
Therefore John Wu called himself the student of St. Thomastic School, and he openly declared that his legal philosophy is the Natural Law in progress. Wu tried to integrate the scientific approach of the Western legal approach and the intuitive approach of Chinese tradition within the framework of Natural Law. This essay indirectly demonstrated the implications of St. Thomas Aquinas's Natural Law in our modern world.