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計畫案/服務案名稱 公私部門協力治理之價值共創生態系統:以屏東縣佳冬鄉下六根客庄為 例(2/3)
執行起始日期 2020-01-01
執行結束日期 2020-12-31
專案案號 109PFA0910077
專案類型 政府學術研究計畫-科技部專題研究計畫
計劃性質(選擇項為複選,請依照實際性質勾選) A1專題研究
工作類別 共同(協同)主持人
計劃主持人 方世杰
共同(協同)主持人 謝如梅、蔡敦浩、周信輝、蔡依倫、易毅成、李慶芳、楊鎮維、蔡馥陞、蔡振義
經費狀態 原核定
計畫總金額(元) 2,300,000
主要經費來源 科技部
主要經費來源單位名稱 科技部

[摘要] :
(Public-private partnerships ;PPPs)對地方文創產業(Culture and Creativity
Industry; CCI)與人文生活之價值共創(Value Co-Creation; VCC),且在PPPs in

[英文摘要] :
This research project aims at developing constructive and collaborative research
with Pingtung County Government through the cross-sector (e.g., industryacademia)
collaboration between a university alliance (including NPTU, NCKU,
NSYSU, Shih Chien U., Fooyin U., Wezao U., and Cheng Shiu U.), Jiadong
Cultures and History Association, Liouduai Tourism Association, and local firms
(which is specialized in planning and marketing of cultural and creative activities),
based on academic practice of university goals. Such cross-sector collaboration
explores the challenges facing Hakka communities of Jiadong Township in
developing cultural and creative industry (CCIs), including private-public
partnerships between Pingtung County Government and industrial firms, regional
redevelopment and cultural renewal, and sustaining and developing historic and
cultural resources. Enabled by the university alliance, this project reviews and
employs the theoretical perspectives with regard to public private partnerships
(PPPs), service ecosystem, and value co-creation (VCC) to develop a theoretical
framework that serves as a guideline framework for the emergence of new
practices and new lifestyles as well as provide high visibility and opportunities for
Jiadong Township. This project not only employs the theoretical perspectives to
guide practical application, but also proposes a tentative theoretical framework derived from phenomena in CCIs of Jiadong Township. The research team
expects that the stakeholders in the cross-sector interaction process are able to
develop a sound mechanism through which their cultural heritage and activities
and CCIs resources can be integrated and aligned, so as to create value via VCC
ecosystem. As a result, this 3-year research project will be carried out in line with
the following foci:
The first year: to conduct the VCC ecosystem of Hakka villages’ cultural heritage
by utilizing local lifestyles and cultural landscape
The second year: to develop cultural tourism and activities from the Hakka
Villages’ context to increase employment opportunity through the link with local
government, associations, and schools
The third year: to promote local histories with creative activities, design cultural
marketing channels, and establish VCC ecosystem by combining the previous
project and this project

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