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論文名稱 The Dangerous Discourse of “Us” vs. “Them:” Spain’s VOX Discursive Practices
發表日期 2022-10-01
論文收錄分類 SSCI,其他
所有作者 Navarro, F.B. & Yeh, A.
作者順序 第二作者
刊物名稱 Journal of Nationalism, Memory & Language Politics
發表卷數 Volume 16 (2)
期刊或學報出版地國別/地區 NATPOL-波蘭共和國
發表年份 2022
發表月份 10
發表形式 電子期刊
所屬計劃案 n/a

[摘要] :
Since the entry of the far-right party VOX into the Spanish government ad-ministrations in 2018, Spain’s political scene has gone through a deep trans-formation. Th e disparity in opinions among the diff erent parties concerning migration seems to tear the country’s democratic foundation apart. Th is pa-per is a study of the language and discursive strategies used by VOX’s leader, Santiago Abascal, articulating the party’s populist propaganda for a united country to “make Spain great again.” Th e analysis was grounded on the theo-retical underpinnings of Wodak’s (2001) discursive strategies and Van Dijk’s (1993) “Us” vs. “Th em” framework. Th e data were based on Abascal’s clos-ing political campaign speech during the Madridlenian elections, which was televised in May 2021. Th e 30-minute video recording was transcribed, annotated, coded, and analyzed. The findings suggest a pattern of discursive practices aimed at diminishing other political parties and their representa-tives, vilify immigrants, and impugn government measures that were against VOX’s authoritarian conservatism and nationalism. Th ere was a predominant use of predication strategies to positively present VOX while denigrating its political rivals. Referential/nomination strategies were also used to divide the society between in-groups and out-groups. Strongly embedded in these strategies were perlocutionary acts used to incite hate toward the out-groups and evoke fear and anxiety toward the in-group, strategically employed as tools to gain votes in the elections.

[英文摘要] :
Since the entry of the far-right party VOX into the Spanish government ad-ministrations in 2018, Spain’s political scene has gone through a deep trans-formation. Th e disparity in opinions among the diff erent parties concerning migration seems to tear the country’s democratic foundation apart. Th is pa-per is a study of the language and discursive strategies used by VOX’s leader, Santiago Abascal, articulating the party’s populist propaganda for a united country to “make Spain great again.” Th e analysis was grounded on the theo-retical underpinnings of Wodak’s (2001) discursive strategies and Van Dijk’s (1993) “Us” vs. “Th em” framework. Th e data were based on Abascal’s clos-ing political campaign speech during the Madridlenian elections, which was televised in May 2021. Th e 30-minute video recording was transcribed, an-notated, coded, and analyzed. Th e fi ndings suggest a pattern of discursive practices aimed at diminishing other political parties and their representatives, vilify immigrants, and impugn government measures that were against VOX’s authoritarian conservatism and nationalism. Th ere was a predominant use of predication strategies to positively present VOX while denigrating its political rivals. Referential/nomination strategies were also used to divide the society between in-groups and out-groups. Strongly embedded in these strategies were perlocutionary acts used to incite hate toward the out-groups and evoke fear and anxiety toward the in-group, strategically employed as tools to gain votes in the elections.