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論文名稱 Blue without My Green: A Corpus Analysis on Coloursof Grief and Emotive Expressions of Amy Winehouse’s Compositions
發表日期 2023-12-18
論文收錄分類 其他
所有作者 Philippou, N. ., & Yeh, A.
作者順序 第二作者
刊物名稱 International Journal of Language and Literary Studies
發表期數 5(4), 1–19
期刊或學報出版地國別/地區 NATITA-義大利共和國
發表年份 2023
發表月份 12
發表形式 電子期刊
所屬計劃案 n/a

[英文摘要] :
Singers and songwriters use their music as a platform for communication, using lyrics to express intimate sentiments -often caused by the pressures of the music industry as well as personal matters such as mental health. In this study, we analysed Amy Winehouse’s songs, exploring the explicit and subliminal affective messages using linguistic techniques i.e., metaphors and colour symbolism. Grounded on corpus analysis and stages of grief theory, we looked at linguistic patterns and intensity of word choicerelated to Amy’s choices of colours and emotive expressions. The findings show that sadness was the most prevalent emotion in her lyrics and its correlation to her mental health issues; the transition of positive sentiments developing into negative emotions was also evident in the data. Her complex relationships and experiences were also infused into her deliberate self-portrayal of catalytic mental deterioration, self-destruction, and torment. This study offers new insights into corpus analysis research on psycholinguistics and mental health in pop culture.