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論文名稱 Identity, Representation, and Agency: Narrative Constructs of Filipino Teachers in Taiwan’s Bilingual Nation 2030 Policy
發表日期 2024-07-19
論文收錄分類 其他
所有作者 Yeh, A.
作者順序 第一作者
刊物名稱 PuntOorg International Journal
發表卷數 1(1)
發表期數 1(1)
期刊或學報出版地國別/地區 NATITA-義大利共和國
發表年份 2024
發表月份 7
發表形式 電子期刊
所屬計劃案 n/a
附件 Yeh.pdfYeh.pdf

[摘要] :
As Taiwan embraces the race towards improving its citizens’English language skills through the Bilingual Nation 2030 policy (NDC, 2021), so does the need for teachers who can teach English as a Foreign Language (EFL) and subjects like Science and Math using English as medium of instruction (EMI). Attracting native speakers of English is a challenge, hence the government opened its doors for teachers with (near) native proficiency from countries where English is spoken as the mother tongue/official language e.g., the Philippines. This article sheds light on the plight of Filipino teachers in Taiwan hired through the Taiwan Foreign English Teachers Program (TFETP). Grounded on theoretical underpinnings of authenticity performance in identity construction on digital platforms and the narrative inquiry approach, data were gathered from selected YouTube videos, that is user-generated content of Filipino teachers in Taiwan. They were transcribed, coded, and analyzed, developing core narratives embedded in the discourse. Findings suggest multitude facets of teacher experiences that range in complexity, particularly what teaching in a migratory context is and what it means to them. Filipino educators must navigate bureaucracies, relocate, adapt, and fight racism and prejudice. Exemplary teaching qualifications and possessionof standard English accent and proficiency are their professional armory. However, underneath these narratives are evidence of constant rallying for agency in owning their (non-)native identity and authenticity, establishing credibility as EFL/EMI teachers and contesting representation of Filipino teachers amid Taiwan’s changing social and educational landscape.

[英文摘要] :
As Taiwan embraces the race towards improving its citizens’English language skills through the Bilingual Nation 2030 policy (NDC, 2021), so does the need for teachers who can teach English as a Foreign Language (EFL) and subjects like Science and Math using English as medium of instruction (EMI). Attracting native speakers of English is a challenge, hence the government opened its doors for teachers with (near) native proficiency from countries where English is spoken as the mother tongue/official language e.g., the Philippines. This article sheds light on the plight of Filipino teachers in Taiwan hired through the Taiwan Foreign English Teachers Program (TFETP). Grounded on theoretical underpinnings of authenticity performance in identity construction on digital platforms and the narrative inquiry approach, data were gathered from selected YouTube videos, that is user-generated content of Filipino teachers in Taiwan. They were transcribed, coded, and analyzed, developing core narratives embedded in the discourse. Findings suggest multitude facets of teacher experiences that range in complexity, particularly what teaching in a migratory context is and what it means to them. Filipino educators must navigate bureaucracies, relocate, adapt, and fight racism and prejudice. Exemplary teaching qualifications and possessionof standard English accent and proficiency are their professional armory. However, underneath these narratives are evidence of constant rallying for agency in owning their (non-)native identity and authenticity, establishing credibility as EFL/EMI teachers and contesting representation of Filipino teachers amid Taiwan’s changing social and educational landscape.

[參考文獻] :
see pdf