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論文名稱 Exploration of a Global Competency Self-Assessment Modified for the EFL Classroom
研討會開始日期 2021-07-23
研討會結束日期 2021-07-24
所有作者 Jackson Ver Steeg Jr. 魏琥
作者順序 第一作者
研討會名稱 第三十八屆中華民國英語文教學研究國際研討會
研討會舉行之國家 NATTWN-中華民國
研討會舉行之城市 高雄
發表年份 2021

[英文摘要] :
Exploration of a Global Competency Self-Assessment Modified for the EFL Classroom
A growing area of interest in the EFL classroom is the inclusion of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). Currently, while there are measures such as the OECD Global Competency Self-Assessment that can be used to gauge L1 student attitudes, skills, and knowledge of sustainable development (SD) issues, up to now there have been no such instruments specifically designed for English language learners. This study attempts to correct that with an exploratory look at a version of that assessment, modified for use in the EFL classroom. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) of preliminary data (n=227) identifies seven variables contributing to the model, which now includes English language efficacy regarding SD issues. For upper level English students who in future will use English on the global stage, such efficacy will be important, and this research describes first steps into a unique instrument developed to measure such efficacy for EFL students.