何方明, 2009, Advancing a FAST model for Translation, International Colloquium of Translation-Translation in All Its Aspects with Focus on International Dialogue, NATTUR-土耳其, 伊斯坦堡
何方明, 2007, Shifts in the History of Translation, International conference on Translation, Identity, and Heterogeneity, NATPER-秘魯, 利馬
何方明, 2007, 全球化與翻譯的互動關係, Communication at the Crossroad of Globalization, NATARE-阿拉伯聯合大公國, 杜拜
何方明, 2006, Translator Training: Admission Criteria, Training, Employability, Market and Income, International Conference on Translator Training – Qualifying Translators: the role and responsibilities of Higher Education, NATFRA-法國, Rennes