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論文名稱 認知科學角度論創意思考與解題結合閱讀教學之效益與價值
發表日期 2020-12-01
論文收錄分類 其他
所有作者 林雪鈴
作者順序 第一作者
刊物名稱 應華學報
期刊或學報出版地國別/地區 NATTWN-中華民國
發表年份 2020
發表月份 12
發表形式 紙本

[摘要] :
過去閱讀的傳統以「文本」為中心,以能夠快速、精準、深刻的理解單一文本為熟練特徵;而現代的閱讀則加上了「讀者需求中心」的偏向,追求能以較短的閱讀時間、較少的資訊量,發揮較佳的效能或較快解決問題。不僅文本不再單一,還追求相互對話以及讀者選擇/切換的能力。而AI時代的來臨,則進一步帶來人工智慧模型的閱讀理解測試分數超越人類,人類可往更高階之閱讀智能發展的發展挑戰,因此現代的閱讀教學亦應在呼應時代需求上做出改變。其中創意思考與創意解題(Creative Problem Solving,簡稱CPS)便是一個可以著力的方向。本文嘗試透過認知科學,探討創意思考原理與創意解題法運用於閱讀教學的價值定位、互容性、優勢等。探討的面向主要有三:一、閱讀活動本身便是創意解題、語言創新的歷程,創意原理及教學法的融入能彰顯此特點;二、閱讀能塑造大腦,創意思考中的聯想、置換、組合等均是人類既有的運思方式,只是心向固著,缺少活化。透過CPS的帶領能演練透過創意思考解決問題的心智模型;三、創意思考原理、CPS可作為閱讀訊息加工的前置策略,使整體閱讀活動由解題動機、創意思考、解決問題驅動,高效而符合現代生活的閱讀需求。結合以創意思考原理、CPS的閱讀教學,不僅貼近108新課綱核心素養的精神,同時課堂中的閱讀活動亦將提升為以閱讀者中心的自主閱讀、個人化閱讀、邏輯思維閱讀、反思閱讀、深刻閱讀、必須先活化「思考」+「行動」區塊的閱讀,因此深具應用價值。

[英文摘要] :
Benefits and Value of "Creative Thinking and Problem Solving" Combined with Teaching Reading from the Perspective of Cognitive Science

Lin, Hsueh-Ling

In the past, the traditional reading was centered on "texts", with the ability to quickly, accurately, and profoundly understand a single text being seen as proficiency; modern reading, on the other hand, has a tendency of being "reader's need-centered", pursuing better efficiency or faster problem-solving skill within a shorter reading time and with less information provided. With this in mind, reading no longer consist of only one text, and it seeks mutual dialogue and the ability of readers to choose/switch between texts. The advent of the AI era has further brought the artificial intelligence model's reading comprehension test scores to surpass humans, and humans can proceed to higher-level reading intelligence development challenges. Therefore, modern reading instruction should also be changed in response to the needs of the times. Among the different aspects of reading skill, creative thinking and creative problem solving (CPS) is a direction that can be focused on. This article attempts to use cognitive science to explore the value, compatibility and advantages of creative thinking principles and creative problem-solving methods used in teaching reading. There are three main aspects of the exploration: 1. The reading activity itself is a creative problem-solving process and language innovation, both of whom can be demonstrated through the integration of creative principles and teaching pedagogies; 2. Reading can reshape the brain. The association, substitution, and combination skill in creative thinking already exists in human thinking, but the mind is fixed and lacks activation. Through the use of CPS, we can practice the mental model of solving problems through creative thinking; 3. The principle of creative thinking and CPS can be used as a strategy before processing reading information, so that the overall reading activity is driven by problem-solving motivation, creative thinking, and problem-solving, which is efficient and matches the reading needs of modern life. The combination of the principles of creative thinking and CPS in teaching reading is not only close to the spirit of the core literacy of the 108 new syllabus, but the reading activities in the classroom also evolve to reader-centered autonomous reading, personal reading, logical thinking reading, and reflective reading , in-depth reading. With the need of activating the reading of the "thinking" + "action" section in order to achieve the reader-centered methods, the combination of CPS and principles of creative thinking has a deep application value.

Keywords: creative thinking, reading instructional design, CPS creative problem solving, cognitive science, reading comprehension