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周則銘, 2014, Incorporating a Practicum in TESOL Methodology Courses to Promote Service Learning, Study in English Language Teaching, 2卷, 1期, 其他
周則銘, 郭雅惠, 2012, Examining factors relating to classroom performance and attendance, Journal of Studies in Education, 2卷, 2期, 其他
周則銘, 2012, A pilot study on the potential use of the Tomatis Method to improve L2 reading fluency, Teaching in English with Technology, 卷, 期, 其他
周則銘, 2011, Examining reading levels in ELT course books and the benefits of extensive reading, ASEAN Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 3卷, 2期, 其他
周則銘, 2011, The effects of vocabulary knowledge and background knowledge on reading comprehension of Taiwanese EFL students, Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 卷, 期, 其他
周則銘, 2010, Attention drainage effect: How background music effects concertration in Taiwanese college students, JOURNAL OF THE SCHOLARSHIP OF TEACHING AND LEARNING, 10卷, 1期, 其他