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論文名稱 A Preliminary Investigation of the Effects of Visual Cues on Sentence Stress Production of EFL Elementary Students
研討會開始日期 2015-04-30
研討會結束日期 2015-05-03
所有作者 Lim Ha Chan
作者順序 第一作者
研討會名稱 The Asian Conference on Language Learning 2015
研討會舉行之國家 NATJPN-日本
研討會舉行之城市 神戶
發表年份 2015
所屬計劃案 外產研字第103060079

[英文摘要] :

Teaching English phonics is a common practice in pronunciation instruction in Taiwan’s elementary English language classes. However, elementary students in Taiwan often perform poorly on suprasegmentals like intonation and sentence stress, and the suprasegmental aspects of English are not emphasized in class and in textbooks. Nevertheless, research findings support the teaching of suprasegmentals as it brings benefits to students’ communicative competence. Therefore, this study attempted to explore the effect of visual cues used in a written text on Taiwan elementary students’ sentence stress production. The participants (11 elementary students) were given a reading aloud task where the experimental group used a written text with visual cues on sentence stress and the control group did not use such a text. The relatively low scores on the three rating items (sentence stress, fluency and pronunciation) for most students in both groups reflected that the text might be too difficult for the students’ level or the students lacked practice time. The results indicated that in order for EFL elementary students, who are beginners of English, to apply sentence stress, teachers should make sure that they are familiar with the words and have confidence in word production first. Also, explicit teaching of sentence stress might be needed.

Key words: second language learning, elementary education, pronunciation, suprasegmental