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論文名稱 The Politics of Archival Culture in the Post-Industrial City: An Inquiry Into Cultural Activisms in Kaohsiung, Taiwan
研討會開始日期 2018-06-01
研討會結束日期 2018-06-03
所有作者 李宇軒
作者順序 第一作者
研討會名稱 The Asian Conference on Asian Studies (ACAS)
研討會舉行之國家 NATJPN-日本
研討會舉行之城市 神戶
發表年份 2018

[英文摘要] :
The Politics of Archival Culture in the Post-Industrial City: An Inquiry Into Cultural Activisms in Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Yu-Hsuan Lee, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, Taiwan
This study focuses on the rise of the archival culture of Kaohsiung in the 21st century. Due to urban gentrification, the fabric of the industrial culture and the buried experiences of local communities being evicted from 2006 to 2010 have been documented by grassroot activists. The City Government of Kaohsiung has started its control of archival culture since 2010 to eradicate the vernacular archive’s negative interpretation of the evictions, and to turn the past images of the city into merchandise to boost its heritage industry. Thus, the subversive meaning of the archival culture is incorporated into the official archives. Kaohsiung is a metropolitan city which has witnessed a post-industrial transition and faced a decade of resistance. The archives become a space of a conflict between the remembrance and forgetting of an industrial past, which have evidenced different dynamics. First, archives record the rise of cultural conservation movements with an urge to preserve city histories, e.g., the discourse of anti-gentrification, such as a series of footages recorded by Dogpig Art Café: “The Walking School” and “Kaohsiung Cultural Activism” of National Digital Archive. Second, the Kaohsiung City Government started to appreciate the
potential of the archival activities for their resourceful discourses and publicities to promote heritage industries at a given time of gentrification. This questions the archival effect in a different context in which the Kaohsiung City Government reconsiders what contents of Kaohsiung are to be archivable for heritage industries. In all, the research illustrates the current politics of archival culture.