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論文名稱 Quilting Narrative: The Inter-Weaving of the Star Quilt
發表日期 2013-07-01
論文收錄分類 其他
所有作者 羅宜柔
作者順序 第一作者
刊物名稱 fiction and drama
發表期數 22.2
期刊或學報出版地國別/地區 NATTWN-中華民國
發表年份 2013
發表月份 7
發表形式 紙本及電子期刊
所屬計劃案 nsc 100-2410-H-160-011-MY2
附件 Quilting Narrative.docQuilting Narrative.doc

[英文摘要] :
Quilting Narrative: The Inter-Weaving of the Star Quilt into
William S. Yellow Robe Jr.’s The Star Quilter1
North American Native culture has many renowned and colorful arts and
crafts. Jane Haladay states: “The literature of Native North American writers
is replete with images of indigenous cultural forms including quilting, basket
weaving, braiding, and beading, as descriptors of the storytelling process and as
structuring devices for stories themselves” (237, underline mine). Take William S.
Yellow Robe Jr.’s (Assiniboine) The Star Quilter for example: the dramatic action
is blended with Yellow Robe’s memories of his mother, of his mother’s quilting
and of his uncle’s story, freely moving between various time periods (1960, 1970,
1980, and 1992). The well-organized star quilting corresponds to the chronological
structure in The Star Quilter in which the complexly designed star shape (which
is not made by mini-star shapes but by mini-diamond shapes) is richly integrated
with Yellow Robe’s complicated story sources. Quilting in The Star Quilter
represents not only an indigenous technique, but also a narrative technique, an
I-am-We communal narrative form, as pointed out by Arnold Krupat. As a result,
this paper will explore how the star quilt, historical acts, and Yellow Robe’s tribal
and personal memories are interlinked to evoke an inter-disciplinary study of both
indigenous plays and craftsmanship.