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論文名稱 A study on the application of riddle poetry in English poetry pedagogy
發表日期 2014-07-31
論文收錄分類 其他
所有作者 Yi-jou Lo
作者順序 第一作者
刊物名稱 遠東通識學報
發表卷數 7.2
發表期數 7.2
期刊或學報出版地國別/地區 NATTWN-中華民國
發表年份 2011
發表月份 12
發表形式 紙本

[摘要] :
習者,則教英詩更是吃力不討好,本文因此提供另一種英詩教學的可能,即本文不以詩歌格式(form)的運用為教學中心,而是側重詩歌內容(content)的進一步活用,尤其,透過英文詩歌語言精煉濃縮的特色,本文主張可採用英詩謎語教學法,如此,不僅加強學生的學習興趣,透過人類總有解開謎底的好奇心,也因而自動驅使學習者仔細閱讀詩歌的字句,引發其學習興趣,且促進其對英文詩歌的喜好。本文提供教授文藻學院文學非主修學生們此種謎語型詩歌之回應,最後本文也以龐德(Ezra Pound)和狄瑾森(Emily Dickinson)等多位詩人的作品提供舉例參考。
When speaking of English poetry, many students will

[英文摘要] :
When speaking of English poetry, many students will feel confused about its condensed language; particularly, the non-literature majors may have trouble in learning motivation. Therefore, this study proffers a method based on riddle like poetry studying to motivate learners' interest. This study does not analyze rhythmic patterns of poems but pays more attention to select poems with riddles (referred as 'riddle-like poems' or 'riddle poems' in this paper). Due to learners' curiosity and interest in riddles, the riddle-like poem lesson will catch learners' attention and help their learning motivation. This paper also provides non-literature majors' reaction at Wenzao Ursulien College of Languages after the riddle-poetry pedagogy. A conclusion and suggestive list are also provided.