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論文名稱 克里創傷路∕錄:奇曲的《無麂之徑》
發表日期 2018-04-01
論文收錄分類 其他
所有作者 羅宜柔
作者順序 第一作者
刊物名稱 長庚人文社會學報
發表卷數 11
發表期數 1
期刊或學報出版地國別/地區 NATTWN-中華民國
發表年份 2018
發表月份 4
發表形式 紙本
所屬計劃案 校內個人計畫

[摘要] :
本論文主要討論加拿大克里(Cree)族奇曲(Shirley Cheechoo)的自傳式劇作《無麂之徑》(Path with No Moccasins)。此作品主要呈現奇曲年幼於寄宿學校的經歷、年長承受的創傷,及至最後的紓解與治療。
本劇更值得研究處在於奇曲克里詩學(Poetics of Cree)的展現。克里詩學一詞靈感來自克里族學者馬克里歐德(Neal McLeod 95)的看法。本文主要採用馬克里歐德所側重的親屬關聯(wâhkôtowin)外,同時亦輔之以另一克里族學者娑瓊(Jud Sojourn)的故事敘事精神與藝術(âtayôhkêwin)以及夢境靈視(pawâtamowin),以上共構成克里詩學三大主軸。本文因此運用此三大主軸,一方面呈現克里族特有的敘事色彩,另一方面體現奇曲的克里治(自)療之路。

關鍵字: 克里詩學、奇曲、《無麂之徑》

[英文摘要] :
This paper aims at probing a Canadian indigene, Shirley Cheechoo’s autobiographical play, Path with No Moccasins to depict how Cheechoo presents her residential school experience, the traumatic aftermath in adulthood and her final relief and healing.
In this study, I propose the Poetics of Cree to analyze the play. The Poetic of Cree is inspired by a Cree scholar, Neal McLeod (95) in which wâhkôtowin (kinship, relativity) is particularly emphasized. However, I add two more ideas by another Cree scholar, Jud Sojourn: âtayôhkêwin (the spirit of storytelling) and pawâtamowin (dream vision). By doing so, the Cree people’s narrative features can be fully presented and so can Cheechoo’s process of self-tribal healing be manifested.

Keywords: Poetics of Cree, Cheechoo, Path with No Moccasins