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專書(含篇章)及其他著作名稱 北美原住民的日常書寫: 以《星之拚織者》、《𨑨迌囝仔》與《無麂之徑》為例
專書出版日期 2020-09-01
專書類別 紙本
使用語文 外文
作者順序 第一作者
出版年 2020
出版月 9
出版地 高雄
出版者(社) 翠柏林企業股份有限公司
ISBN編號 978-986-5897-53-6
所屬計劃案 科技部計畫

[摘要] :
(一) 黃袍《星之拚織者》論及阿西尼波因族的星之拼布文化
(二) 莫馬戴《𨑨迌囝仔》討論凱歐瓦族的藥之巨輪
(三) 奇曲《無麂之徑》研究克里族(Cree)的克里詩學

關鍵字: 北美原住民文化,拼布文化,藥之巨輪,克里詩學

[英文摘要] :
This monograph includes three published papers related to indigenous culture in three North American indigenous plays.
1. William Yellow Robe, Jr.’s The Star Quilter depicts star quilting culture in Assiniboine.
2. N. Scott Momaday’s The Indolent Boys demonstrates the Kiowa people’s Medicine Wheel and Wakan Tanka power.
3. Shirley Cheechoo’s Path with No Moccasins illustrates Cree poetics.
I interpret Yellow Robe’s The Star Quilter by means of the interweaving of star quilting culture and indigenous law. The indigenous woman, Mona, starts as a proficient quilter but ultimately becomes blind and can never quilt again. The Caucasian woman, LuAnne, sells star quilts which are gifts representing the friendship between her and Mona Both the star quilting culture and the star quilters (the indigenous people) have encountered oppression from Caucasian culture, and a sad ending is unavoidable.
In The Indolent Boys, Momaday depicts a historic event in which Kiowa children are forced to attend boarding school and attempt to run away but fail and die on the way home. Momaday dexterously connects the scenes using a common cultural concept, the Medicine Wheel. By imbuing the characters and plots with Wakan Tanka power, Momaday demonstrates that the Medicine Wheel is an element of indigenous daily life.
In the final paper, I focus on Cree culture in Canada. Cree features, including wâhkôtowin (kinship, relatedness), âtayôhkêwin (the spirit of storytelling), and pawâtamowin (dream vision) are used to explore playwright Shirley Cheechoo’s traumatic encounters, relief, and healing in the residential school.
These three papers have been presented in conferences, revised, and published in Fiction and Drama (The Star Quilter), Central Taiwan Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (The Indolent Boys), and Chang Gung Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (Path with No Moccasins). The first two papers were written in Chinese and have been translated into English for the publication of this monograph. New findings have been added, and all three papers have been proofread at least twice before publication. The writing styles requested by the three journals are also kept.
I had published a monograph, Going Native, analyzing indigenous cultures. Several years later, I remain on the same track; however, I now focus on the daily routines of indigenous cultures. Despite of the oppression from the government or cultural eradication from school, the indigenes never forget their cultures such as those mentioned in this monograph: the star quilting, medicine wheel and the Cree politics. It is owing to their internalizing their cultures in their daily life that these indigenous people can face all difficulties with perseverance.