羅宜柔, 2010, "There Is No Such Thing as One-Way Land Bridge": A Biological Reading on Harjo with Hylozoism, 修平人文社會學報, ----卷, 15期, 其他
羅宜柔, 2010, Mapping Native Americans in Taiwan: The Way to Rainy Mountain as an Example, Teaching American Literature: A Journal of Theory and Practice, 4卷, 1期, 其他
羅宜柔, 2010, A Hylozoic Reading of Jewett's "A White Heron", 英語文暨口筆譯學集刊, ----卷, 6期, 其他
羅宜柔, 2009, 構建美國新地貌: 由葛蘭希與莫吉卡作品中的莎卡佳薇雅談起, 英美文學評論, ----卷, 14期, 其他
羅宜柔, 2009, Fandom and Forum: Pseudo-Juvenile Fan Culture in Acid YOGA, 高科大應用外語學報, ----卷, 11期, 其他
羅宜柔, 2008, 「鍍金」其外,「扒糞」其中:由馬克吐溫短篇小說談起, 立德學報, 卷, 期, 其他
羅宜柔, 2007, 今天單字很希臘:談醫護英文單字與希臘神話, 中臺學報, 卷, 期, 其他
Yi-jou Lo, 2014, A study on the application of riddle poetry in English poetry pedagogy, 遠東通識學報, 7.2卷, 7.2期, 其他
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