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論文名稱 Foreign direct investment and downside risk Evidence from Taiwan
發表日期 2019-10-31
論文收錄分類 SSCI
所有作者 Li-Hsun Wang, Chu-Hsiung Lin, Hung-Gay Fung, Tzu-Chuan Kao
作者順序 第一作者
刊物名稱 Pacific Basin Finance Journal (MOST A Tier 2 level)
發表卷數 57
發表期數 October
期刊或學報出版地國別/地區 NATUSA-美國
發表年份 2019
發表月份 10
發表形式 電子期刊

[摘要] :
Foreign direct investment (FDI) has become highly popular in recent decades. This study investigates
how FDI by Taiwanese firms affects downside risk by considering the fact that FDI
firms increase both the revenue and risk in their expedition. The results indicate that downside
risk is positively associated with FDI. Further analyses show that downside risks do not change
for FDI in Mainland China but increases in other areas. The FDIs in areas other than Mainland
China are primarily in tax haven countries and are positively related to agency cost and earnings
management, increasing the downside risk. In addition, this study provides evidence that corporate
governance reduces downside risk by restricting FDI to less opaque markets.

[英文摘要] :
Foreign direct investment (FDI) has become highly popular in recent decades. This study investigates
how FDI by Taiwanese firms affects downside risk by considering the fact that FDI
firms increase both the revenue and risk in their expedition. The results indicate that downside
risk is positively associated with FDI. Further analyses show that downside risks do not change
for FDI in Mainland China but increases in other areas. The FDIs in areas other than Mainland
China are primarily in tax haven countries and are positively related to agency cost and earnings
management, increasing the downside risk. In addition, this study provides evidence that corporate
governance reduces downside risk by restricting FDI to less opaque markets.

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