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論文名稱 The effect of female CEO and CFO on tail risk and firm value
發表日期 2022-06-09
論文收錄分類 SSCI
所有作者 Li-Hsun Wang, Hung-Gay Fung
作者順序 第一作者
刊物名稱 Finance Research Letters
期刊或學報出版地國別/地區 NATUSA-美國
發表年份 2021
發表月份 12
發表形式 電子期刊
所屬計劃案 科技部

[摘要] :
This study investigates the effects of female CEOs and CFOs on stock tail risk and firm value. Results using the Taiwan data show the female CEOs have a positive effect on stock tail risk whereas the female CFOs have a negative effect. Female CEOs stimulate growth of the firm by undertaking more external investments with M&As that increase the tail risk, while CFOs promote organic growth of the firm using R&Ds and interact with R&Ds to reduce tail risk. Both female executives improve firm value.

[英文摘要] :
This study investigates the effects of female CEOs and CFOs on stock tail risk and firm value. Results using the Taiwan data show the female CEOs have a positive effect on stock tail risk whereas the female CFOs have a negative effect. Female CEOs stimulate growth of the firm by undertaking more external investments with M&As that increase the tail risk, while CFOs promote organic growth of the firm using R&Ds and interact with R&Ds to reduce tail risk. Both female executives improve firm value.

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