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論文名稱 日本外籍勞工研修制度改革之初探
發表日期 2014-05-01
論文收錄分類 其他
所有作者 李姵蓉
作者順序 第一作者
刊物名稱 涉外執法與政策學報
發表期數 第四期
期刊或學報出版地國別/地區 NATTWN-中華民國
發表年份 2014
發表月份 5
發表形式 紙本

[摘要] :

[英文摘要] :
Facing the move towards an aging society coupled with a declining birth rate, Japan
government has struggled with the shortage of labor force, especially in the field of
unskilled labor. Even though facing the labor shortage, unlike Taiwan, Hong and Korea,
Japan government has not opened the “front door” to the unskilled foreign workers.
However, Japan tried to introduce unskilled foreign labor by the “side door” which means
so-called “Training Program”. Under such a training program, a foreign worker can enter
Japan domestic labor market in the name of “a trainee”, but not a worker. In other words, a
foreign trainee working in the Japan labor market can not enjoy the basic human rights of
workers and equal treatment of workers. These foreign trainees suffered from worker
exploitation in Japan domestic society.
Since 2010, Japan government started to act in order to improve the labor conditions.
One of the actions is “Technical Intern Training Program.” Based on such new training
program, technical intern trainees enjoy basic labor rights including employment insurance
and workers’ accident compensation insurance from the beginning of their entry into Japan
domestic labor market although they are still under the name of “Trainees”. On the other
hand, supervising organizations are required by law to take the duties as accepting
organizations. The article is to highlight the background of “Training Program” and analyze
the development of such a program. In addition, the author also criticizes the illicit aspects
of the “Training Program” from a human-right and nation-state perspective.