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研習/計畫案名稱 | 台灣廣告代言人危機研究 |
推動委員會審核通過日期 | 2017-12-21 |
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[摘要] :
從廣告推薦的平衡理論(balance theory),可以得知採取代言人廣告是可以為產品加分的方式,顧客也會接受,但是代言人一旦出現問題,立即影響產品的銷售,例如網球好手莎拉波娃服用禁藥,廣告立被下架,解除合約。
當產品一窩蜂採用代言人方式時,以典範移轉理論(paradigm shaft)改用象徵的卡通人物代言,或是以小人物新聞式代言,都是可行方式,在顧客的認同上甚至效果更佳,不要一直迷信名人代言,才能脫離商場的紅海廝殺,進入藍海追求最適的利潤。
[英文摘要] :
The issue of choosing spokesperson has become a problem, for example, Taiwanese government published Easy Card with setting pornography star as its cover last year, which brought about intense comments from Taiwanese society. This event casted a shadow on Easy Card. It happens that there is a similar case, the ingredients and materials of Pandora Red Wine’s red wine were called into a question by media, the spokesperson of Pandora Red Wine Dan-Ru Wu immediately shirked the responsibility.
According to Balance Theory from Endorsing Advertisement, we find out that companies hire spokespersons is a way to enhance credentials of its products, customers will accept it as well, however, once spokespersons become an issue or conduct inappropriately affect products’ sell, for example, tennis player Maria Sharapova was banned for PED suspension, advertisers of hers immediately terminate the contract and remove the advertisement.
According to spokesperson survey results from Eolembrain, we realize that Takeshi Kaneshiro’s charm, Wen-Ching Wu’s Affinity, Ning Chang’s sense of freshness and charity spirit, yet, the circumstances of Dan-Ru Wu, as a spokesperson, are not ideal and improper, and couldn’t be evaluated as an adequate spokesperson. To Pandora Red Wine, different advertising strategies are needed.
When products were being spoken by spokespersons, based on Paradigm Shaft, using cartoon characters or symbols as spokespersons, or make Jack-a-Lent Reporting as spokespersons, both are available methods, even bring about better recognition from customers and people; celebrity advertising is not the only way to get to the Blue Ocean Strategy, pursuing the most proper profits.
Key Words: spokesperson, balance theory, endorsing advertisement, paradigm theory
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