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[英文摘要] :
In the field of second and foreign language (L2) reading, scholars from an extensive reading (ER) perspective agree that ER improves L2 learners’ second language reading speed, comprehension and enriches their L2 vocabulary (e.g., Cho & Krashen, 1994; Grabe & Stoller, 1997). Since there are many versions of ER, this paper presents a practical suggestion for supplementing extensive reading activity with the element of cooperation learning (CL). Extensive reading, theoretically speaking, focuses on the solitary task of silent reading. The CL technique used in this study was a book-talk activity. Forty-five freshmen from a course of children and young adult literatures were required to read at least twenty English books throughout a semester. At least three novels of young adult literature among the twenty books, students were free to choose books that they were interested in. Cooperative learning—book talk—was added to facilitate students’ extensive reading in young adult literature. In this book-talk activity, students in a group of four or five share one young adult novel. After the semester, short-answer questions were asked regarding students’ attitude and comments on ER as well as CL. Four interviews were further conducted to elicit in-depth and holistic perspective from students. Students overall agreed that when ER is supplemented with cooperative learning, reading in a second language seems to be less intimidating. Other advantages of CL such as modeling of enthusiasm readers and acting as resources of reading materials were also mentioned.