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論文名稱 Revisiting Threshold Hypothesis Theory in a Screen-Based Reading Environment
研討會開始日期 2010-05-24
研討會結束日期 2010-05-27
所有作者 周宜佳
作者順序 第一作者
研討會名稱 12th Annual International Conference on Education
研討會舉行之國家 NATGRC-希臘
研討會舉行之城市 雅典
發表年份 2010

[英文摘要] :
Nowadays, more and more reading takes place in a screen-based environment due to the proliferation of personal computers and digital libraries today. This study intends to explored four English-as-a-second-language graduate students’ reading strategies in both conventional (paper-based) and screen-based reading environments. Data were collected through interviews and observations. The results showed that readers’ paper-based reading experience is a contribution to their L2 reading ability when reading screen-based texts. Most students applied a few strategies that they used when reading hardcopy materials to screen-based materials. Most of the strategies can be considered as cognitive ones. However, specific strategies were found when students read in a screen-based environment. Those can be categorized as metacognitive strategies. The differences may be because of students’ perception toward reading in these two modes is different. Students considered hardcopy reading as a careful-and-thorough type while on-screen reading as a snatch-and-grab type of reading. Therefore, they tended to select certain reading mode based on their reading purpose. This study provides a more in-depth understanding of how students actually read in both reading environments. It also raises an awareness of the necessity to teach students specific strategies needed to read in a screen-based environment.