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論文名稱 Helping students learn in EMI courses using reciprocal teaching: A case study of a Taiwan university
研討會開始日期 2014-12-30
研討會結束日期 2014-12-31
所有作者 周宜佳
作者順序 第一作者
研討會名稱 International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture and Education
研討會舉行之國家 NATMYS-馬來西亞
研討會舉行之城市 吉隆坡
發表年份 2014

[英文摘要] :
Offering English-medium-instruction (EMI) courses in universities and colleges has gradually become a national policy in Taiwan. However, many students struggle in EMI courses. One possible reason is that Taiwanese students do not have sufficient English competent to understand academic text and academic lecture in English. Reciprocal teaching (RT) has been considered an effective way to increase students’ reading comprehension in many elementary and junior high school language classrooms. Yet, few studies have been done at tertiary level students. Thus, this small-scale pilot study was conducted to examine whether there was an effect of reciprocal teaching on students’ academic performance. A class of 62 students enrolling in Educational Psychology was taught first in a traditional lecturing style (about 2 months) and later in RT (about 2 months). Data will be collected at 4 time periods including 2 in-class quizzes and 2 achievement tests. Results of one-way repeated ANOVA showed that there was a significant difference on students’ test score before and after the intervention. This suggests that the RT technique may help Taiwanese students comprehend academic text and further help them learn in EMI courses.