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[摘要] :
析法(NPA)來比較多國在2011 年福島核災後核能政策走向的相異,共有六國在
[英文摘要] :
Many scholars argue that a crisis can serve as a catalyst to prompt a previously
controversial policy change. However, many of the effects of a crisis on policy changes
or policy intractability remain uninvestigated. Do policy-makers in different countries
react similarly or differently to the same crisis? This paper uses a narrative policy
analysis to conduct comparative case studies to examine how the 2011 Fukushima
nuclear explosion affected nuclear energy policies in different polities. Six cases are
selected: the United States, France, India, Switzerland, Taiwan and Italy. Whereas the
first three countries listed do not exhibit nuclear policy changes in the post-crisis
landscape, the latter three have experienced a policy reversal.
This research finds that crises do not always serve as a catalyst to induce policy
changes as conventional wisdom predicts. Many policies exhibit its intractability even
after a major crisis whereas policy learning is not automatic neither.