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[英文摘要] :
Public policymaking has long been considered a science of rational
problem solving. However, the literature has not yet adequately addressed how
policy “problems” are given specific meanings in particular contexts. This
research uses a comparative empirical study in Taiwan to observe the process
of problem identification in three different policy domains. This study
contributes to an understanding of the practical logic of policy making as
individual policy practitioners assign interpretations to “problems” in their
daily practices and argues the need for policy analysts and policy-makers to be
self-reflexive to enhance problem solving capability. A two-phase
problematization analysis is performed: first a triadic analysis of the ethos,
logos and pathos of problem solving cases; second, Bacchi’s “What’s the
problem represented to be?” (WPR) approach is adapted and modified as a
systematic guideline for problematizing and critically reflecting on the process
of problem representation by questioning assumptions.