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論文名稱 Collecting as a Cultural Practice in Arthur's Court
研討會開始日期 2012-10-26
研討會結束日期 2012-10-27
所有作者 郭如蘋 Ruby Ju-ping Kuo
作者順序 第一作者
研討會名稱 "Infinite riches in a little room": Collecting as a Cultural Practice and Literary Theme in Antiquity, the Middle Ages and Renaissance
研討會舉行之國家 NATTWN-中華民國
研討會舉行之城市 Taichung
發表年份 2012

[摘要] :

[英文摘要] :
The practice of collecting has fascinated humanity since infinite riches can be stored in a little space. Lovers of Arthurian legend collect Arthurian materials and stories so that cultural riches are inherited. Yet, how much do we know about what Arthur has actually collected in his court? The practice of collecting and a fixed location seem intimately related to each other. Even the act of composing needs to be attached to the idea of a fixed location. In England, Sir Thomas Malory was the first prominent collector of Arthurian legends, and he composed his masterpiece, Le Morte Darthur, in a micro space as condensed as a prison cell. However, in Arthur’s court, collecting and geography becomes a problematic issue because his courts are itinerary courts, which simply cannot be pinned down, though there are names assigned to various courts. Does this mean the practice of collecting is an impossible phenomenon in the Arthurian court? If Arthur’s court has a floating nature, how can he manage his collection if there is any, be the collecting a conscious or unconscious act? How can we access the quantity of Arthur’s collection? Or, should quality serve as a criterion as equally meaningful as quantity does? For example, the Round Table is only one in quantity, yet its qualitative significance cannot be overestimated. The object is meant to be displayed, and the Round Table knights who sit around it seem to be collectible agents too. Their cooperation shows a unique combination. On the other hand, Arthurian “objects,” such as Excalibur, stories of adventure, the Hart, eccentricities, and names, to name just a few, reject to be pinned down to a location because they are scattered around Europe. While reconstructing the development of the collecting practice in Arthur’s court, one will find both material and immaterial dimensions of collecting. This paper aims to explore, in Malory’s representation of Arthur’s court, what collection Arthur has, the nature of the royal collecting, the interplay between collection and space, and the contribution of the collecting practice to the preservation of European tradition.