謝健雄, 2018, 「莫名的,奇妙」:台灣大學生對英文熟語互文之領悟, 語文與國際研究, 19卷, 1期, 其他
Wen-Chuan Lin, Jian-Shiung Shie, and Prue Holmes, 2018, Exploring Taiwanese students' experiences of intercultural and English learning online: A class blog project, Taipei:Tung Hua Book Co., Ltd.
謝健雄, 2018, 《聯合報》與《紐約時報》新聞標題之語用互文, 輔仁外語學報, 15卷, 1期, 其他
Jian-Shiung Shie (謝健雄), 2018, “Out of print, maybe, but not out of mind”:Pragmatic intertexts and their intercultural workings, Taipei:Crane
Shie, Jian-Shiung, 2017, Variations in the use of metaphor at the macro-contextual level: The case of English press news, Pragmatics and Society [A&HCI & SSCI], 8卷, 4期, SSCI,AHCI
2017, 謝健雄, 吳秋慧、李雪甄, 教育部多元文化語境之英文學習革新課程計畫:英語教育與博雅素養-跨文化導向的共同英文課程, 教育部計畫型獎助案
2017, , , 英漢語用互文-標示語跨文類對比分析, 政府學術研究計畫-科技部專題研究計畫
Wen-Chuan Lin、Jian-Shiung Shie、Prue Holmes, 2017, Enhancing intercultural communicative competence through online foreign language exchange: Taiwanese students' experiences, The Asian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 4卷, 1期, 其他
謝健雄, 2016, 文本跨域與文化跨界:EFL熟語新用之領悟與詮釋, 2016第十三屆海峽兩岸外語教學研討會, NATTWN-中華民國, 高雄市
2016, , , 再造人文社會科學發展計畫:複合型(外語加非外語專業)之博雅教育, 教育部計畫型獎助案