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論文名稱 The Influence of Jack C. Richards on My Personal Journey from EFL to EMI: A Narrative Exploration
發表日期 2023-02-01
論文收錄分類 其他
所有作者 吳秋慧
作者順序 第一作者
刊物名稱 Language Teaching Research Quarterly
發表期數 33
期刊或學報出版地國別/地區 NATTUR-土耳其共和國
發表年份 2022
發表月份 12
發表形式 電子期刊

[摘要] :
傑克·理查茲(Jack C. Richards,2021)認為語言教師身份是由他們過去的經歷、教師教育和語言能力決定的。他最近在EMI領域所出版的著作(理查茲和潘,2022a; 2022b)激發了本人對教師多重身份的反思。此文是本人敘述了過去作為語言學習者和非英語母語教師的經歷。本人以敘事文方式反思了從英語作為外語教師(EFL)到英語作為教學語言(EMI)教師的轉變。在從EFL 到 EMI 的轉變過程,本人一直在尋找成為一名“好語言老師”的意義(Barkhuizen & Mendieta,2020 年,第 1 頁)。本人認為這樣的轉變是順勢而為的方式回應對全球EMI趨勢。理查茲的作品不僅對全球EMI專案的出現進行了系統的審視,而且繼續對本人雙重角色—語言及領域教師—產生深遠的影響。

[英文摘要] :
Jack C. Richards (2021) suggests that language teacher identities are shaped by their past experiences, teacher education and language proficiency. His recent publications in English Medium Instruction (EMI) (Richards & Pun, 2022a; 2022b) inspired reflection on my multiple teacher identities. In this paper, I offer a narration of past experiences as a language learner and a non-native English-speaking teacher. As part of this narration, I
reflect on the shift from being an English as a Foreign Language teacher (EFL) to being an English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) teacher. While making this shift from EFL to EMI, I was searching for the meaning of what it means to be a “good language teacher” (Barkhuizen & Mendieta, 2020, p. 1). I propose that the transition was a natural evolution to respond to the global EMI trend. Richards’ work not only provided a systematic examination of the emergence of global EMI programs, but it continues to have a profound impact on my dual roles as language and content specialist.