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論文名稱 Framing SARS and H5N1 as an Issue of National Security in Taiwan: Process, motivations and consequences.
發表日期 2014-09-17
論文收錄分類 其他
所有作者 Vincent Rollet
作者順序 第一作者
刊物名稱 Extrême-Orient, Extrême-Occident
期刊或學報出版地國別/地區 NATFRA-法國
發表年份 2014
發表月份 9
發表形式 紙本
所屬計劃案 37

[摘要] :
Securitizing epidemics has been an approach used by a number of countries and international organizations to frame these health issues and to develop a targeted response to them. This was notably the case in Taiwan for the 2003 SARS and 2005 H5N1 outbreaks, which were both considered as “issues of national security”. After a general overview of the global trends of securitizing infectious diseases and a presentation of the academic debate about these processes, we propose to examine the case of Taiwan by focusing on the main initiators of such phenomena, on their discourses around epidemics as well as on the concrete materialization of such framing. Then, we underline the factors which might have facilitated the securitization of SARS and H5N1 in Taiwan in order to reveal what might explain these successes, and we mention some of its main consequences.

[英文摘要] :
Securitizing epidemics has been an approach used by a number of countries and international organizations to frame these health issues and to develop a targeted response to them. This was notably the case in Taiwan for the 2003 SARS and 2005 H5N1 outbreaks, which were both considered as “issues of national security”. After a general overview of the global trends of securitizing infectious diseases and a presentation of the academic debate about these processes, we propose to examine the case of Taiwan by focusing on the main initiators of such phenomena, on their discourses around epidemics as well as on the concrete materialization of such framing. Then, we underline the factors which might have facilitated the securitization of SARS and H5N1 in Taiwan in order to reveal what might explain these successes, and we mention some of its main consequences.

[參考文獻] :