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計畫案/服務案名稱 比較衛生區域間主義之性質、角色與挑戰
執行起始日期 2015-08-01
執行結束日期 2017-03-31
專案案號 103WFDD603001
專案類型 政府學術研究計畫-科技部專題研究計畫
計劃性質(選擇項為複選,請依照實際性質勾選) 非產學計畫案,A1專題研究
工作類別 主持人
經費狀態 原核定
計畫總金額(元) 620000
主要經費來源 科技部
主要經費來源單位名稱 科技部

[摘要] :

[英文摘要] :
Our recent study focusing on Asia-Europe health interregionalism sheds light on the complex nature, the challenges as well as the functional role of such phenomenon, notably in terms of institutional/norms balancing, norms transmission, institution-building, multilateral utility and identity-building. This confirms that health interregionalism did not represent an epiphenomenon today but rather a growing trend and a tool of soft power and of regional integration. While these conclusions significantly contribute to the academic efforts to better appreciate interregionalism in general as well as global health governance, one have to recognize that they only apply to Asia-Europe health interregionalism which was the empirical ground of our previous research.

Thus, in order to draw more general conclusions about the nature, the role and the challenges of health interregionalism, the main questions are:
Do the nature, the functional role and the challenges identified in the context of Asia-Europe health interregionalism present similitudes, specificities and differences with health interregionalism occurring between other regions of the world? In the light of such comparison, would it be possible to identify some trends characterizing health interregionalism in general today and to explain why such level of interaction has become one of the distinctive characteristics of the global health scene?

In order to answer this problématique and then to draw general conclusions on health interregionalism, a comparative study of health interregionalism between different regions of the world is vital, especially now that to our knowledge there are no other academic studies related to health interregionalism. Comparison will then focus on EU-Africa and EU-Pacific health interregionalism as well as on Asia-Africa and Asia-Pacific health interregionalism as these regions have so far developed rather comprehensive interactions in the domain of health.

Given that comparative study of interregionalism is still in its infancy, comparison of health interregionalism between these different regions will be done through an analytical framework inspired by the research framework we previously used to study Asia-Europe health interregionalism. Thus, in order to identify similarities, specifies and difference of health interregionalism between Asia, Africa, Europe and the Pacific, three levels of comparison will be adopted: 1) comparison of the nature of these health interregionalism (pure/hybrid health interregionalism and health transregionalism), 2) comparison of the functional role of these health interregionalism (institutional/norms balancing, norms channel, institution-building, multilateral utility and identity-building) and 3) comparison of the main challenges of these health interregionalism.

This research aims to contribute to the study of interregionalism and notably to its comparison, to better appreciate the added-value and limits of interregional health initiatives in the context of global health governance and, to represent a valuable benchmark for those regional actors interested in initiating or participating to interregional health partnerships.

Keywords: Interregionalism, regional integration, global health governance, health diplomacy.