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計畫案/服務案名稱 亞歐衛生區域間主義:特性、角色與挑戰
執行起始日期 2013-09-01
執行結束日期 2015-08-31
專案案號 102WFDD600082
專案類型 政府學術研究計畫-科技部專題研究計畫
計劃性質(選擇項為複選,請依照實際性質勾選) 非產學計畫案,A1專題研究
工作類別 主持人
經費狀態 原核定
計畫總金額(元) 587000
主要經費來源 科技部
主要經費來源單位名稱 科技部

[摘要] :
國際衛生的二個特點,也就是發展自十九世紀的國際衛生研討會,及1948年創立國際衛生組織 (WHO)來,所闡明的-國際衛生同時是一種外交行為。由於長期以來,外交政策制定者並不將衛生議題視同為國家安全問題,或認為其對國家經濟,及社會福祉沒有立即威脅,所以國際衛生也一直是邊緣化,甚至被忽略的議題。然而,自冷戰結束以來,外交決策者也都開始關注到了國際衛生的巨大變化,必須要有因應之道。



鑑於具體理解亞歐衛生區域間主義的發展現況,本研究計畫將以亞歐衛生區域間主義為基點,深入探討下列議題: 亞歐間的衛生區域交流,如何實踐?其功能為何?它們面對的將是何種挑戰?


關鍵字;區域間主義、 全球衛生治理、全球衛生外交、亞歐關係

[英文摘要] :
Health has long possessed the double characteristic of being a diplomatic concern as illustrated by the international sanitary conferences in the nineteenth century and the establishment of the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1948, and simultaneously, of being a marginal and neglected issue for foreign policy makers as it was not perceived as a concern of national security or as an immediate threat to national economy and well-being. However, dramatic changes in foreign policy perceptions about health issues as well as in the way to respond to them have occurred since the end of the Cold War.

Indeed, caused by the acceleration of the process of globalization and the outbreaks of (re)emerging diseases, one realized first, that core functions of foreign policy (national security, economic growth and well-being) could be undermined by health-related threats, but also, that the dichotomy between domestic and international health had no longer sense as many health issues do not recognized borders, and finally, that given the fact that States could not deal alone with these health challenges more collective action was needed. In that context, health became an important issue of foreign policy for several States and numerous multilateral and global health initiatives were launched. Additionally, a growing number of actors including governments, multilateral agencies, foundations, NGOs, multinational corporations as well as regional organizations have devoted their efforts to improve global health. As a result, one witnessed an increasing complexity of global health governance.

Within this evolving context, health interactions between regions of the world i.e. health interregionalism represent a noticeable and increasing phenomenon, notably between Asia and Europe. This is not surprising as during the last decade, interregionalism, defined as the institutionalization of relations between regional entities, has become one of the distinctive characteristic of the global scene notably with the proliferation of regional groupings worldwide which has created new levels of decision-making as well as a new structure of governance to respond to various challenges including those related to global health. Aiming at better apprehend this dynamic, this research project proposes then to study Asia-Europe health interregionalism based on these following questions: Once interregional interactions occur between Asia and Europe in the domain of health, how are they materialized; what are their potential and effective functions; and what kind of challenges do they face?

In order to provide an answer to this problématique, using an analytical framework elaborated from the on-going debates on interregionalism in the field of International Relations, this research project appreciates the nature, the functions as well as the challenges of health interregionalism between Asia and Europe in several domains such as pandemic influenza, HIV/AIDS, non-communicable diseases and migrants’ health, healthcare workers’ migration, drugs and intellectual property rights, biotechnology,… . Then, in the light of this empirical study, it concludes on Asia-Europe health interregionalism in general and aims to show how the analysis of such phenomenon provides a better understanding of the multifaceted dimensions of interregionalism, as well as of the Asia-Europe relationship and of the evolving nature of global health governance.

Keywords: Interregionalism, global health governance, global health diplomacy, Asia-Europe relations