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專書(含篇章)及其他著作名稱 "ASEAN'a Response to Communicable Diseases : Nature, International Cooperation and Main Challenges" In. C.Y KU and H. CHIEN (eds.), Southeast Asia : Beyond Borders and Boundaries
專書出版日期 2018-06-20
專書類別 紙本
使用語文 外文
作者順序 第一作者
出版年 2018
出版月 6
出版地 Kaohsiung
出版者(社) Wenzao University Press
ISBN編號 9789866585494
所屬計劃案 -

[摘要] :
By their very nature, communicable diseases in Southeast Asia represent a transnational challenge as they do not respect borders and cannot be resolved at the national level alone. While this past decade has seen successes in communicable disease prevention and control in the region and increased incidences of non-communicable diseases (cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and chronic respiratory diseases) in Southeast Asia, these pathogens remain major regional public health issues with serious socioeconomic consequences.
Responding to such concerns is not only a matter for the individual, as health issues have the ability to impact social stability and economic prosperity in Southeast Asia. Meeting health standards also forms part of UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Thus, governments in Southeast Asia have to rise to the challenge of meeting this formidable problem through regional cooperation and integration.
Given the rapid evolution of global health governance these last two decades and the fact that regional organizations have progressively become actors of regional and global health, this chapter seeks an understanding as to the ways in which the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has responded to such challenges so far. The main added-value of these responses and regional challenges of cooperating in health-related issues will also be examined.

[英文摘要] :
By their very nature, communicable diseases in Southeast Asia represent a transnational challenge as they do not respect borders and cannot be resolved at the national level alone. While this past decade has seen successes in communicable disease prevention and control in the region and increased incidences of non-communicable diseases (cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and chronic respiratory diseases) in Southeast Asia, these pathogens remain major regional public health issues with serious socioeconomic consequences.
Responding to such concerns is not only a matter for the individual, as health issues have the ability to impact social stability and economic prosperity in Southeast Asia. Meeting health standards also forms part of UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Thus, governments in Southeast Asia have to rise to the challenge of meeting this formidable problem through regional cooperation and integration.
Given the rapid evolution of global health governance these last two decades and the fact that regional organizations have progressively become actors of regional and global health, this chapter seeks an understanding as to the ways in which the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has responded to such challenges so far. The main added-value of these responses and regional challenges of cooperating in health-related issues will also be examined.