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計畫案/服務案名稱 歐盟對越南與菲律賓的衛生雙邊主義: 其模式、功能與主要挑戰之研究 (EU’s Health Bilateralism towards Vietnam and the Philippines: Modalities, Functionality and main Challenges.)
執行起始日期 2019-08-01
執行結束日期 2021-07-31
專案案號 108-2410-H-160 -009 -MY2
專案類型 政府學術研究計畫-科技部專題研究計畫
計劃性質(選擇項為複選,請依照實際性質勾選) A1專題研究
工作類別 主持人
經費狀態 原核定
計畫總金額(元) 768,000
主要經費來源 科技部
主要經費來源單位名稱 MOST

[摘要] :
歐洲聯盟(European Union),簡稱歐盟(EU),於1987年在非洲、加勒比和太平洋國家,簡稱非加太(ACP)首次展開防治艾滋病毒/艾滋病(HIV/AIDS)的介入行動計畫,而逐漸成為全球衛生治理的主要角色之一。歐盟參與全球衛生,涉及公共衛生的不同層面及幾項重要領域,例如傳染病、與貧困有關及被輕忽的疾病、孕產期保健、煙草管制、藥品獲取管道、醫療系統強化、全民醫療保健和生殖健康等其他優先事項。

雖然歐盟的參與行動引起國際關係和公共衛生學者的關注,學者們從那時起更能理解歐盟在全球衛生中所扮演的角色,但是與該主題相關的學術文獻卻忽略了一個重要層面,亦即「歐盟的衛生雙邊主義(EU’s Health Bilateralism)」。學者們主要關注歐盟與世界衛生組織(World Health Organization, WHO)的互動、歐盟參與全球健康行動計畫、歐盟成員國與發展中國家的衛生合作及歐盟健康的區域間主義,重點是到目前為止卻沒有歐盟與單一國家在衛生領域的雙邊合作之相關學術研究。因此,該研究計畫旨在關注歐洲委員會(European Commission, EC)在東南亞國家,更準確地說是在與歐盟衛生合作上最重要和最顯著的越南和菲律賓所實施的健康倡議,並提出學術研究方面的差異。



[英文摘要] :
Since its first intervention program to combat HIV/AIDS in African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries in 1987, the European Union (EU) progressively became one of the main actors of the global health governance. EU’s involvement in global health takes place worldwide, at different levels and covers several major fields of public health such as communicable diseases, poverty-related and neglected diseases, maternal health, tobacco control, access to medicines, healthcare systems strengthening, universal health care and reproductive health, to name its main priorities.

Although such involvement has drawn the attention of scholars in International Relations and Public Health, who have since then progressively provided a better understanding of EU’s role in global health, one important dimension has been rather neglected by the academic literature related to this subject, namely “EU’s health bilateralism”. Indeed, while scholars have mainly focused on EU’s interaction with the World Health Organization (WHO), EU’s involvement in global health initiative, EU’s Member States health cooperation with developing countries or EU’s health interregionalism, no academic studies dealing with the EU and global health has so far focused on the bilateral cooperation between the EU and one single country in the domain of health. This research project proposes to address this academic gap by focusing on the health initiatives implemented by the European Commission (EC) in Southeast Asia, and more precisely in Vietnam and the Philippines where EU’s health cooperation is the most substantial and visible.

Guided by a research framework designed in the light of the current debate on the nature of (health) development aid, the interaction between the EU and its Member States in the domain of development, and the functionality of the EU’s foreign policy, this study consists of three main parts. First, it will focus on the modalities and the actors of the EU’s health bilateralism as well as on the interaction between the EC and the EU Member States in Vietnam and the Philippines in such domain. Then, it will identify what functions does the EU’s health bilateralism in Vietnam and the Philippines play and for whom. Finally, this work will highlight the main challenges that the EU’s health bilateralism in Vietnam and the Philippines has to face and what answer the EU has provided so far.

By concluding on the achievements and main limits of such mechanism of health cooperation between the EU and Southeast Asia, this study will also contribute to a better understanding of the EU-Asia health cooperation and to the discussion on its future evolution.