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論文名稱 Addressing Health Security Threats at the Regional level: The case of the European Union
研討會開始日期 2023-04-20
研討會結束日期 2023-04-20
所有作者 Vincent Rollet
作者順序 第一作者
研討會名稱 KMU Lectures series on global health security
研討會舉行之國家 NATTWN-中華民國
研討會舉行之城市 Kaohsiung
發表年份 2023
所屬計劃案 Kaohsiung

[摘要] :
Invited by Prof. Betty Chiu Ya-wen, Director of the Center on global health security at KMU, on April 20th, 2023, Pr. Vincent Rollet made a Lecture entitled: “Addressing Health Security Threats at the Regional level: The case of the European Union” to Master and PhD students from Indonesia, the Philippines and Taiwan. The lecture covered the EU governance of health security as well as its achievements and main challenges. It also enabled students to ask questions on ‘One health’ approach, on the differences between the way ASEAN and EU address health security issues, as well as regarding the recent EU Global health strategy.

[英文摘要] :
Invited by Prof. Betty Chiu Ya-wen, Director of the Center on global health security at KMU, on April 20th, 2023, Pr. Vincent Rollet made a Lecture entitled: “Addressing Health Security Threats at the Regional level: The case of the European Union” to Master and PhD students from Indonesia, the Philippines and Taiwan. The lecture covered the EU governance of health security as well as its achievements and main challenges. It also enabled students to ask questions on ‘One health’ approach, on the differences between the way ASEAN and EU address health security issues, as well as regarding the recent EU Global health strategy.

[參考文獻] :