張慈珊, 2016, 學術這條路, 2015跨域飛翔創意維新--教、研、學新挑戰研討會, NATTWN-中華民國, 高雄
張慈珊, 2016, What Risks is a Writing Center Ready to Confront? A Case Study of an Adapted Writing Center in L2 Context, Writing Strategies for Action, NATUSA-美國, 休士頓
張慈珊, 2016, What Risks is a Writing Center Ready to Confront? A Case Study of an Adapted Writing Center in L2 Context, Writing Strategies for Action, NATUSA-美國, 休士頓
張慈珊, 2015, 學術這條路, 2015跨域飛翔創意新思維-教、研、學新挑戰研討會, NATTWN-中華民國, 高雄
張慈珊, 2015, 讓我們一起跨領域吧, 南區區域教學資源中心公民素養暨職業倫理學習推廣, NATTWN-中華民國, 高雄
Tzu-Shan Chang, 2014, The Role of Qi-Cheng-Zhuan-He Rhetorical Structure as a Strategy in Genre Learning: Developing EFL Writers' Genre Awareness and Writing Competence in Argumentative Essays, The 13th Symposium on Second Language Writing "Professionalizing Second Language Writing", NATUSA-美國, Tempe
Tzu-Shan Chang, 2013, Genre Learning Across L1 and L2: Developing EFL Writers’ Genre Awareness and Writing Competence, The 12th Symposium on Second Language Writing, NATCHN-大陸地區, Shandong University, Jinan, China
Tzu-Shan Chang, 2013, Effects of the Speed Reading Course on Students’ Reading Rate, Reading Comprehension, and Reading Efficacy, The Formula of Success— Professional and Globalized Learning, NATTWN-中華民國, Tainan
Tzu-Shan Chang, 2012, The Changing Tide of Writing Centers on Taiwanese Shores: Applying Context Specific Models, Lines in the Sand--How Writing Centers Draw and Redraw Boundaries, NATUSA-美國, San Diego