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專書(含篇章)及其他著作名稱 Southeast Asia Under Stress: Covid-19, Geopolitics and Domestic Challenges
專書出版日期 2022-10-21
專書類別 紙本
使用語文 外文
作者順序 第一作者
出版年 2022
出版月 10
出版地 高雄
出版者(社) Wenzao Ursuline University Press
ISBN編號 978-986-6585-60-0
附件 2021 Southeast Asia Under Stress COVID-19, Geopolitics and Domestic Challenges.pdf2021 Southeast Asia Under Stress COVID-19, Geopolitics and Domestic Challenges.pdf

[英文摘要] :
As a pluralistic country, Indonesia’s various ethnic groups and cultures play active roles in Indonesian society, including the sphere of politics. Politics in Indonesia is marked by unprecedented twists and turns. There has been considerable progress in democracy
and freedom in Indonesia since the Reform era (Era Reformasi in Indonesian) in 1998, and positive development can be seen in civil organizations and politics. Indonesia is a nation that is still struggling to advance its democracy, freedom and equality. Indonesia also needs to work to create equality, especially for minority communities as well as their cultures and religions. However, the strong communality in Indonesia’s intentional society
has created various barriers for minorities, particularly the Chinese, when it comes to equal rights in political participation. The role of the majority religion as identity politics in Indonesia also contributes for the lack of political representations from the minorities. This
chapter will begin with the conceptualization of social identity in intentional community, followed by a discussion on social identity issues related to diversity and inter-racial interactions in Indonesia. To close, I will discuss Chinese-Indonesians’ political participation
in Indonesia’s intentional society.