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論文名稱 抵抗與希望:特雷西思想中的解放神學
發表日期 2012-09-01
論文收錄分類 其他
所有作者 李茂榮
作者順序 第一作者
刊物名稱 輔仁宗教研究
發表卷數 25
發表期數 25
期刊或學報出版地國別/地區 NATTWN-中華民國
發表年份 2012
發表月份 9
發表形式 紙本

[摘要] :

[英文摘要] :
This conception of “the religion, at their best, always bears extraordinary powers of resistance.” is about the problem of the “suffering” of human beings. In fact, the misunderstanding of the religion is always man-made and for some benefits to someone. For Tracy, religion is the positive power to change the situation of suffering. On one side, suffering is from original sin and ignorance, and on the other side is from the man-made sin including ideology and systematic-distortion. In Liberation Theology, the “otherness” is the most poverty-stricken populace and the starting point of liberation. “Suffering” is the beginning of religion and it must be based on the “hope of the future”. Then man participates in history and receives the grace of God.

[參考文獻] :
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