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論文名稱 制度與行為者的考驗:從歐洲之國際移民危機檢視歐盟移民政策
發表日期 2019-06-30
論文收錄分類 其他
所有作者 王槐仁
作者順序 第一作者
刊物名稱 樹德科技大學通識專刊(ISSN)
發表期數 13
期刊或學報出版地國別/地區 NATTWN-中華民國
發表年份 2019
發表月份 6
發表形式 紙本及電子期刊

[摘要] :

[英文摘要] :
After World War II, the immigrants moved from south to north in Europe; and then, after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the European immigrants moved from east to west as well. These two situations of migration were happened in internal territory of the Europe. However, in recent years, most of the immigrants moved into Europe from Middle Eastern countries which were suffered in the war and in the insecure status. The EU follows the norms of the United Nations and seeks to become a harmonious European Common Market, to establish a freedom, security and justice region, and to constitute migration policy. However, in 2015, the EU met with a flux of refugees flooded into its territory to seek asylum. This terrible situation gets now so-called "European migrant crisis" which is not only a test to the institutions, but also a test to the actors. This paper attempts to discuss both institutions and actors while they are showed the phenomenon of divergence. It means, on the one hand, the real situation has gone beyond the capacity of the actors while they are regulated by the institutions; on the other hand, the institutions are lack of effectiveness to constraint the actors while they do not play their roles. It is time to consider correcting or reinforcing the institutions in order to avoid the expansion or regeneration of the crisis.

[參考文獻] :
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張子清,〈德國低出生率,移民增加使人口數創新高〉,中央廣播電臺:https://www.rti.org.tw/ news/view/id/2009523,2019年1月25日。
Digithèque de MJP : http://mjp.univ-perp.fr/traites/1648westphalie.htm.
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