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“You cannot trust a man if you don’t know his house.”

~Paulo Coelho “The Alchemist: A Fable About Following Your dream “

  I thought I knew America lots, because I watched a lot of TV shows and movies from America. But when the course began, I was not sure if I really knew America.

  I have to thank lots of people who gave me the chance to study, to learn, and to live here. Especially I have to thank God. Even I gave up the chane to apply this project, thinking I had too much work at Wenzao, but He never gave me up. By Peter One, He let me know this is an invitation from Him.

  There are lots of experience to share with all of you, but life is short. I will present my learning and reflection in three parts: Higher Education, Family, and power of faith.

Gorgeous corner for students

  During this month, we got opportunity to visit several colleges and universities. I was really impressed by the facilities, the passion from faculty and staff, and the insisting on value. I’m really envious of the facilities, the small classes, and the flexibility of courses in the American liberal arts college. But I really know that the difference comes from the higher education policy. For Taiwan, higher education is a right of people. We hope the tuition can be as low as possible. But in America, higher education is “investment”, university can get enough fund to improve the quality of education.

"Believe, in you"

  Another impression of higher education is “Spirit”. First day when we arrived Ursuline College, I noticed the quote “Believe in, You” around the campus. The power of words and the smiles of students on the quotes really touched me.

  When we went to Gannon University, I saw another quote “Believe in…”- in diversity, in possilities and in power of healing.

  I began to understand that we Catholic education institutes have a precious value called “Faith”. We believe in ourselves, in students, and the most importantly, in God.

  Like Jesus said, “'If you had faith like a mustard seed you could say to this mulberry tree, "Be uprooted and planted in the sea," and it would obey you.” Even though there are still lots of difficulties in the world, we will overcome them by faith. Just like the way Wenzao grew.


The host family

  I am really, really appreciative to have the opportunity to stay for a weekend with a family, even though I didn’t have much expectation for this experience.

  I can’t imagine that I can be a member of Otto and Lisa’s family. They didn’t know me at all. But they accepted me to join them, to share their values about family, and helped me clarify my stereo type like “all American parents care about the attitude of their children, and help their children to develop discipline about life.”

  They also helped me to experience what kind of relationship exists in an American family.

  When Otto had some issues to discuss with his son Phlip in the restaurant, I really got nervous. I didn’t know how to face such an embarrassing situation. I recalled the memory about the struggle how to balance in self-identity and family harmony when I was young. But I was surprised that the tension disappeared after Otto and Phlip sincerely shared their opinions to each other.

Otto, Lisa and Phlip have nice dinner with friends.

  It’s also a special experience to visit Otto’s and Lisa’s parents. I found the relationship is like friends. They share the happy times, and the difficult times, too. They listen to each other, and respect one another, too. They appreciate the kindness from each other, and enrich the life of each other.

  The “home stay” really touched me. I shared the wonderful family relationship – intimate but not sticky; respectful but not isolated.

  I know the experience really encourages me to make relationships with others. I got faith that I have the ability to love my family, my friends and my students in the future.


Our precious belief.

  At last, I want to share the “power of faith”. Before I entered the mother house on the first day, I worried a little. “will we make the sisters trouble – even though I knew  the sisters would be kind. How can I talk with the sisters based on my poor English?” After the first lunch, all my worry had gone. Although I had just short conversations with 5 sisters, I knew we were accepted by this community.

  I think it’s a kind of power from “union”. Sisters heard a call from God, and joined the community. Even though there are lots of differences between each other, it doesn’t matter. The most important is to serve God, to serve Church, and to serve people. That was the impression I got from the exhibition of “Women in Sprit” in Maltz Museum. And I confirmed the concept from the experience living with Ursuline Sisters of Cleveland.

  I’d like to share a song by choir of Stella Maris High School in Taiwan, it’s also a school founded by Ursuline Sisters.

Every meal is a nice talk with sisters.

(“St. Angela Legency”)

  You wouldn’t believe that the melody came to my mind when I recalled the experience living with you sisters. I sensed Trust, Respect, and Love in your community.

  When you attend Eucharist every morning, you give your daily life to God together.When you talk about an interesting experience at the dining table, I sensed the Trust between you.

  When you asked me “How was your ‘home stay’ ?”, I could sense the Open by the interest in me, and sense the “Generosity” by the unconditional caring for others.

We saw the whole picture of Catholic sisters in USA.

  I believe this campus is full of the spirit of St. Angela.When Sr. Diana came to me and said “Come on, Cosmas, I can show you the deer now.”, I sensed it.When Tina shared how much effort she paid to help students from minority races make connections with school, I sensed it.When Elisha sad she was willing to be coordinator of this program, I sensed it.

  Thank you, sisters. You have founded a college full of faith, hope and love. All I believe that if a guest like me can sense that, there must be many people who share your wonderful spirit - the spirit from St. Angela, from St. Ursula, and from God.

The wonderful knowing process in July,2010.

  Now, before I leave, I can say that I know America a little. I have confidence not because I watched a lots of TV and movies, but because I really lived with you!

  Thanks for your patience. May God bless you.