





personal profile
My Chinese name is  HUANG HSUN-TSE and my English name is Johnny . Now I am studying in Wenzao Urselin University . I have three families , and I am the youngest . Both my sister and I are studying in Wenzao , but we are in different department , my sister is in the English department and I am in the Japanese department , both of us like language . My sister is interesting in political , so after she graduate from Wenzao , she will learn some subject about political in her future . My mom is a housewife , but when my father job is too busy , my mom will help him . She is very kind , every morning she wakes up at 5 am and makes breakfast for us to eat and does housework until 23 pm , I am very thank to her . My father have a small company , but the interior is same as other big company , and he is kind too . Although sometimes we have some argue , but I have a felicitous family . 
I love photography , because it can record our daily life , no matter it is happy or sad . Sometimes I will invite my friend to go climbing with me and take some photos , both of each other are my hobby . Why I like to go climbing and take a photo , it is because that every time when I go travel there is no one help us to record , so when we come back to our home , soon we will forget of it . Before I study in Wenzao I do not have any hobbies , just watch the TV and play the computer every day , but when I come into Wenzao I participate to a mass media club , and this club make me know that how important of this technology . For me take a photo is an important thing , because it can help me remember my daily life and never forget it .
introduce myself

I am a third grade student ,I am the positive person ,and now is the mass communication club leader , Japanese department cadre . When I knew that I became a leader , I was very exciting , and I could not believe that , I am happy but also feel tired . I did not know why I accepted to my senior , but although I am tired I can not forget that I am a club leader . In this winter vacation I had done some part-time job , and my boss was a Japanese ,  he was very kind , this part-time job let me learn a lot of extra experiences , I am also the curious person , so I am interesting in everything , and want to try everything , and I will keep studying until I become old .


With my future I want to be a photographer , and travel around the world with my friend or by myself . Now my dream is become a exchange student , learn local cultures, because it will be able to help me when I group up . When I graduate from Wenzao , I want to find the person who share the same hobby , and establish a photography services manufacture , maybe it is hard , but I will try my best . If you have a dream you need to achieve it no matter what , be a photographer is my dream and I will achieve it .





證書名稱 證書日期 發證單位 證號字號 參考圖檔
N3 日本語能力認定書  2017/08/20  日本台灣交流協會  17A1040201-30507   






活動名稱 活動類別 參與情況 主辦單位 活動起始日期 活動結束日期 活動時數 備註 認證
共舞1989 文藻國際標準舞蹈社x藝術舞坊 聯合成果展  成果發表會  工作人員  文藻國際標準舞蹈社、藝術舞坊  2019/5/7  2019/5/7   
第八屆全國盃朗讀比賽  全國朗讀比賽  工作人員  日文系專科部系學會  2017-11-04  2017-11-04     
笑顔いっぱい メリークリスマス  聖誕節活動  工作人員  日文系專科部系學會  2017-12-01  2017-12-29     
浮影大傳行  學習營  主辦  大眾傳播社  2018-02-12  2018-02-14     
四校聯合社遊  社遊  主辦  大眾傳播社  2017-12-17  2017-12-17     
藻一個不圓夢的理由  演講  主辦  大眾傳播社  2017-11-20  2017-11-20     
影片比賽 拾二部 冬悸  校內比賽  主辦  大眾傳播社  2018-01-03  2018-01-03     
佳冬國小暑期育幼營-童言童雨  活動組  主辦  大眾傳播社  2017-07-17  2017-07-21     
小手拉大手 一童趣郊遊 -大傳行  學習營  主辦  大眾傳播社  2017-01-17  2017-01-19     
藻你的名字曬一曬  言講  主辦  大眾傳播社  2016-11-28  2016-11-28     
聖誕聯合舞展 聖誕pa pa pa  表演人員  參與  地板舞蹈研究社  2016-12-21  2016-12-21     
舞林極限 南區國標研習營  主辦  主辦  國際標準舞蹈社  2016-12-03  2016-12-04     
舞顏六社 多元舞風交流會  隊輔  工作人員  藝術舞坊社  2016-11-26  2016-11-26     
今日的我與明日的文藻  表演人員  參與  國際標準舞蹈社  2017-05-16  2017-05-16     
漫舞三十  成果展  工作人員  藝術舞坊社  2017-06-06  2017-06-06     
爵色情人  成果展  工作人員  小提琴社與爵士鋼琴社  2017-05-01  2017-05-01     
聖誕舞展  攝影師  工作人員  四技國際標準舞蹈社  2017-12-20  2017-12-20     
專科部第52屆新生生活營  資攝組  工作人員  專科部第52屆新生生活營  2017-08-03  2017-08-06     
我就要你好好的。舞 Dance With You  表演  工作人員  國際標準舞蹈社X原住民新生代  2016-09-21  2016-09-21    文書組長 
105學年度專科部新生生活營  新生生活營  工作人員  課外活動組  2016-09-03  2016-09-04  28  輔導員 
文藻國樂社五十週年紀念音樂會-回家  成果展  工作人員  文藻國樂社  2016-06-06  2016-06-06    主持人 
『親愛的我自己 He or She?』文藻國際標準舞蹈社第26屆成果展  成果展  工作人員  B003國際標準舞蹈社  2016-05-24  2016-05-24    表演人員兼工作人員 







學年 學期 獎學金名稱 金額1 認證
106  106學年度第2學期課外服務績優獎學金  3000 
105  105學年度第1學期課外服務績優獎學金  3000