中文姓名 |
林子喬 |
英文姓名 |
性別 |
血型 |
年齡 |
52 |
出生日 |
1966 |
身高 |
167 |
體重 |
58 |
婚姻狀況 |
已婚 |
服役狀況 |
除役 |
聯絡時間 |
全天 |
e-mail |
seedbrowm116@gmail.com |
聯絡電話 |
0929563591 |
行動電話 |
0922023345 |
通訊地址 |
高雄市小港區永義街157巷41號 |
戶籍住址 |
同上 |
自己也是出生在 屏東 枋寮,一個純樸的小鎮。那裡有深不可測的 海洋 ,高聳入雲的青峰 。和一年四季用不完的陽光。 那是奇妙的上帝 慷慨
賜給我的地方 。當我回溯那如夢的童年 , 印像中 ,自己讀過四所不同的小學 , 因為父親的工作經常在變遷,席不暇暖的像 個 吉普賽人。在我國高中畢業之後, 分別去做了 所謂的 勞力工作。 看起來像磨練,其實到像是訓練 。那是充滿鐵與銹的日子 ,漫漶炎熱與粗糙的 日子。但也甘如飴糖。
“ 知識就是力量”這不是 法蘭西斯 -培根說的 ,這是我媽說的。 人的內在要堅韌要把下列的忠告, 列入考慮。 所以自己就養成了固定的習慣讀名人格言,以及看一些啟迪人心的故事 集, 取消磨無聊的人心。 他們就像是藥膏滋潤著傷口,常安撫我 年輕不安的心。
感謝至高主宰 耶和華 上帝所賜的非配得的恩典。 在不遠之處,有祂話語的長闊高深 。因此朋友們! 永遠不要把閣樓的窗戶關上,玄關的門鎖上以及把 可愛的小盆栽倒放。 因為他的神聖話語隨時會,“歡迎光臨”。 就如聖經的箴言曾經說過,“智慧勝過珊瑚,要買,不可賣。” 當然 ,無庸置疑 ,珊瑚和珍珠不可能漂浮在水面上 。 更不用說 是智慧了,除了 鹹鹹的 汗和鹹鹹的淚之外 沒有任何事物
能和 鹹鹹的海相容。 只有上帝的話語才是調和你我人生的鹽巴。
The value and the meanings of life don't depend upon the time, but on the width,
the height,and the depth.Fong-liao in Pintung County where I was born is a plain and resplendent place providing the unfathomable deep ocean , the green high mountains
as well as the abundant sunshine ! That's what God, Jehovah has generously given me!
When I trace back to my childhood which recalls me that I
had ever attended 4 different primary schools like Gypsies drifting
afar for the sake of my father's job.
After the graduation of my junior and senior high, I cast
myself in the so-called labor of the average people, though, they
looked like trials, but1actually trainings!That's the life having the iron the rust and we have to confront it through thick and thin at that time.
Eventually, it tastes like sweet sugarcane!
"Knowledge is the power " said my mother, not Francis Bacon!
So making it a rule to1memorize the proverbs and pondering over some inspiring stories is myfavorite and momentous pastime during my youth. It seemed like an old friend pacifying your uneasy heart by
ointment! Additionally, I appreciate the Most High, Jehovah, whose
undeserved grace very much! So don't ever shut the windows on the attic, the door at the corridor, and turn the cute flower pots upside down waiting for God's sunshine and rain! Hence,as the Holy Script-ures relates, " The wisdom is better than corals, buy it out, don't sell it!"
Of course, corals and pearl won't float on water, let alone God's wisdom! How do you feel?
The value and the meanings don't depend upon the time,but on the width,the height and the depth. Fong-liao in Pintung
County where I was born is a plain and resplendent place providing unfathomable,deep ocean,green high mountains as well as abundant wide sunshine.That's what God, Jehovah has generously given me!
When I trace back to my childhood which recalls that I had ever studied 4 different primary schools like Gypsies drifting afar for the sake of my father's job.
After the graduation of my junior and senior high,I cast myself in the so-called labor of average people, though,
they looked like trials,but actually trainings.That's the life
having the iron and the rust,we have to confront it through thick and thin, but eventually tasted like a sweet sugarcane!
" Knowledge is power",said my mother, not Francis Bacon.Making it a rule to memorize the proverbs and ponder over some inspiring stories is my favorite and momentous pastime during my youth, it seemed like an old friend pacifying
your uneasy heart by ointment!
I really appreciate God's undeserved grace to expand my viewpoint!So friends, don't you shut the Windows on the attic, and the door at the corridor , and turn the cute flower potsupside down which are waiting for the sunshine and rain!
As the Holy Scriptures relates," The wisdom is better than corals, buy it out don't sell it !Only salty tears and salty sweat can fit in the salty ocean. Only God's word can be the real salt to temper our life entirely!!